@pjohanneson wow, thanks for the tip. I may have to try that some time. I usually drink (sip) mine neat but will mix on occasion. What's your brand? I usually drink #KnobCreek but splurged a bit on this. Gotta enjoy the vacation!
The closest thing I know of to Makers 46 in a classic #bourbon is #knobcreek. I say that because it has the two classic bourbon flavors: a mild sweetness mixed with an oakiness. To me, the oakiness in Knob Creek is stronger than most bourbons, but less than Makers 46. It is a bit cheaper too.
That said, I think Makers was doing the right thing to try to distill a more classic bourbon in Makers 46. And I drink it regularly too.
The worst problem #bourbon has today is that every distiller is trying to build an upscale (higher priced) version of what they sell. It is causing a lot of confusion over what bourbon is.
There are fantastic old school Kentucky bourbons that are cheap.
#EzraBrooks is a great classic table bourbon for about $11 a bottle. Mildly oaky and sweet.
My other favorites are #ElijahCraig, #KnobCreek, and especially #OldGrandDad. They are rich bourbons.
#oldgranddad #knobcreek #elijahcraig #ezrabrooks #bourbon
I like cheap #bourbon that is rich in flavor. #OGD114 is my favorite, but #ElijahCraig and #KnobCreek are great.
#EzraBrooks is a great cheap table bourbon.
I try to avoid the bourbons that are for people who don't like the taste of real bourbon. They are usually sweet with no oakiness or spice.
#ezrabrooks #knobcreek #elijahcraig #ogd114 #bourbon
I am a trouble maker on this too. I drink #bourbon split 50-50 with water. I have a hard time imagning that anybody really likes to drink it neat.
Except, of course, those bourbons that are for people who don't like the taste of bourboun. Jim Beam for example -- truly thin stuff. Or Makers Mark -- very sweet without much oak.
I like #OGD114, #ElijahCraig, #KnobCreek. And #EzraBrooks is a great cheap table bourbon.
#ogd114 #ezrabrooks #knobcreek #elijahcraig #bourbon