Would love to gain more visibility and connections with fellow #KnowledgeWorkers working with Knowledge-Centered Service (#KCSv6) as a means of #KnowledgeManagement. Interested in learning more about how others are succeeding with it in their orgs, exchanging ideas, tips, and hacks, etc.
(Would appreciate a few boosts in case I'm just not seeing the discussions based on server visibilities. :keanu_thanks:)
#knowledgeworkers #knowledgemanagement #kcsv6
Biggest losers of #AI #boom are #knowledgeworkers: #McKinsey report
#ai #boom #knowledgeworkers #mckinsey
A knife so sharp you don’t feel it cut
Not only is generative AI already here -- it's already dealing killing blows
#knowledgeworkers #ai #unemployment #whiteCollar
How Artificial Intelligence will impact the future of work
AI is at an inflection point where it's poised to affect artists and knowledge workers. Large language models enable computers to generate human-sounding text and realistic images. But these technologies come with downsides, such as potential inaccuracies, biases, and plagiarism.
#AI #LanguageModels #Artists #KnowledgeWorkers #Plagiarism #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #SocialCologne
#AI #languagemodels #artists #knowledgeworkers #plagiarism #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne
How Artificial Intelligence will impact the future of work
AI is at an inflection point where it's poised to affect artists and knowledge workers. Large language models enable computers to generate human-sounding text and realistic images. But these technologies come with downsides, such as potential inaccuracies, biases, and plagiarism.
#AI #LanguageModels #Artists #KnowledgeWorkers #Plagiarism #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #NRWSocial
#ai #languagemodels #artists #knowledgeworkers #plagiarism #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial
How Artificial Intelligence will impact the future of work
AI is at an inflection point where it's poised to affect artists and knowledge workers. Large language models enable computers to generate human-sounding text and realistic images. But these technologies come with downsides, such as potential inaccuracies, biases, and plagiarism.
#AI #LanguageModels #Artists #KnowledgeWorkers #Plagiarism #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #HomeSocial
#ai #languagemodels #artists #knowledgeworkers #plagiarism #goodnews #weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #homesocial
How Artificial Intelligence will impact the future of work
AI is at an inflection point where it's poised to affect artists and knowledge workers. Large language models enable computers to generate human-sounding text and realistic images. But these technologies come with downsides, such as potential inaccuracies, biases, and plagiarism.
#AI #LanguageModels #Artists #KnowledgeWorkers #Plagiarism #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #TroetCafe
#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #plagiarism #knowledgeworkers #artists #languagemodels #ai
How Artificial Intelligence will impact the future of work
AI is at an inflection point where it's poised to affect artists and knowledge workers. Large language models enable computers to generate human-sounding text and realistic images. But these technologies come with downsides, such as potential inaccuracies, biases, and plagiarism.
#AI #LanguageModels #Artists #KnowledgeWorkers #Plagiarism #GoodNews #Weltverbesserer #WorldImprover #DoGood #MastodonSocial
#ai #languagemodels #artists #knowledgeworkers #plagiarism #goodnews #weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #mastodonsocial
eicker.news #technews »#Davos frets over #AI and #whitecollarjobs: Past waves of #automation have targeted entry-level jobs. But #generativeAI systems like #ChatGPT and #DallE raise fears for #knowledgeworkers, including those in the #Csuite.« https://www.axios.com/2023/01/21/davos-artificial-intelligence-white-collar-jobs
#technews #davos #AI #whitecollarjobs #automation #generativeai #chatgpt #DALLE #knowledgeworkers #csuite
Nemico (e) immaginario. L’Intelligenza artificiale tra timori e utopie https://www.carmillaonline.com/2019/10/24/nemico-e-immaginario-lintelligenza-artificiale-tra-timori-e-utopie/ #intelligenzaartificiale #Frammentosullemacchine #Nemico(e)immaginario #AlessandroCurioni #knowledgeworkers #FaustoLammoglia #SelenaPastorino #DuniaAstrologo #GioacchinoToni #StefanoZamagni #JonathanCrary #Recensioni #KarlMarx #McKinsey #BigData #BigTech #lavoro
#intelligenzaartificiale #frammentosullemacchine #nemico #alessandrocurioni #knowledgeworkers #faustolammoglia #selenapastorino #duniaastrologo #gioacchinotoni #stefanozamagni #jonathancrary #recensioni #karlmarx #mckinsey #bigdata #bigtech #lavoro