It's easy to say "you should block #Rowling and fight #Knowles" but the truth is that Rowling's use of rhetoric is part of the problem that people like Knowles use in their positions.
By the time you _have_ a Knowles you are fighting a war on multiple fronts already, whether you know it or not.
#Eradicating 1.6 million #trans people?
These are #moral people? Where's the legal line for incitement to murder. Did #Knowles just opened himself to liability?
The crowd roared in positive responds.
WTF, this is sick.
#eradicating #trans #moral #knowles
Mentre il concerto di Beyonce a Dubai ha suscitato l'indignazione di alcuni fan, a causa delle leggi anti-LGBTQ+ del paese, suo padre la vede in modo diverso, dicendoci che sua figlia ha un incredibile potere di unire le persone... di ogni estrazione sociale.
Mathew Knowles racconta a TMZ ... Qu...
#24Gennaio #telling #knowles
Watch "Rapid Fire Questions | Lauren Boebert" on YouTube
This is hilarious 😆
Watch "LOL: DeSantis Attack Ad is AWESOME!" on YouTube
Watch "The Arizona RECOUNT Results" on YouTube
Watch "Nicki Minaj Is "Super BASED" On Vaccines" on YouTube
Wenn Solange #Knowles wie nun in der #Elbphilharmonie auftritt, bedeutet sie ihren schwarzen Fans damit: Diese Performance ist für sie gedacht, sie haben das Recht, weiße Kulturinstitutionen zu ihren zu machen. #SolangeKnowles #elbphi
#knowles #elbphilharmonie #solangeknowles #elbphi