It has been a week that I’m using #mastadon with #hachyderm - a great #community supported by @nova & her team - and I can’t deny that I’m liking it and people out here. So for all the amazing people here, what about a quick AMA (Ask Me Anything) with me 😉 Feel free to ask me questions, I’ll try to feed your curiosity with my responses🤗 Here’s a catch though: you can even respond to your own questions with your answers so I can also get to know about you 🤓🤓 #askmeanything #knowme
#mastadon #hachyderm #community #askmeanything #knowme
#7Books of a lifetime - and to #knowme - fiction only, no order …
Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit - #MarcelProust
Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle - #JorgeLuisBorges, Adolfo Bioy Casares
Land des Lachens - #JonathanCarroll
Reise um den Tag in 80 Welten - #JulioCortazar
Sudelbücher - #GeorgChristophLichtenberg
Erzählungen - #AntonCechov
Owen Meany - #JohnIrving
Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz - #IrmtraudMorgner
But ... Jean Paul, Büchner, Kafka, Woolf … Oh!
#books @bookstodon
#7books #knowme #marcelproust #JorgeLuisBorges #jonathancarroll #juliocortazar #georgchristophlichtenberg #antoncechov #johnirving #IrmtraudMorgner #books
I suppose it's paradoxical to be simultaneously drinking a cup of black tea (a nice darjeeling) and a cup of chamomile...
#tea #TeaDrinker #KnowMe