Never forget: the #police do not #protect and serve #anyone other than their own. They are an inherently #racist and #misogynistic #system and will always allow their #farright mates to do what they will.
#Wednesday: Home Secretary Suella #Braverman says the #UK’s counter-terrorism strategy is too focused on the far #right.
#Friday: #fascist group #PatrioticAlternative #organise a riot in #Knowsley.
#police #protect #anyone #racist #misogynistic #system #farright #wednesday #braverman #uk #right #friday #Fascist #patrioticalternative #organise #knowsley
I know that it's hard to define 'unbiased' but I can't help thinking that Adam Fleming is a bit too keen to excuse the #Knowsley riots.
#IanHislop #tory #questiontime #asylumseekers #knowsley #immigrants
I've been following the #Knowsley hashtag on Twitter.
I'm seriously worried about the outright neo-Nazi posts that I see there. Some are from apparently decent people who've been fooled by far-right lies. Some. perhaps many, are Russian trolls.
We are in danger of repeating Germany 1933
“When a ‘hostile environment’ is promoted in political discourse so relentlessly, it should not come as a surprise when matters turn ugly in one of the most deprived areas of the UK.”
#Refugees #AsylumSeekers #Knowsley
#knowsley #asylumseekers #refugees
I've just learned that calling #SuellaBraverman a #Daft #Bint over on #twitter.
Is a #sanctionable #offence.
Even with actual evidence of her #Stupidity and #cruelty
Odd that, One can be #Legislatively, #objectively & #deliberately #Cruel
Aswell as #provably #thick
Pointing out that #Knowsley is directly attributable to her words and policies is #incitement?
#incitement #knowsley #thick #provably #cruel #deliberately #objectively #legislatively #cruelty #stupidity #offence #sanctionable #Twitter #bint #Daft #SuellaBraverman
#Knowsley, Violence, and Excuses
After the cowardly attack on migrants in Knowsley, a warning to ministers: your words can start fires
'Gradual and increasing'
Call it hyberbole if you want to, but if ouija boards were real, I'm sure my great-grandparents' relatives who died in the camps would say' Nah. No hyperbole. This shit's getting uglier by the day' ✡️
#UKshitshow #USAShitShow #knowsley #jacksonmississippi #briannaghey #hatespeech #hatefullaws #warontransandnonbinarypeople #waronimmigrants #milquetoastmoderatepoliticians #farrightnutters
🇬🇧 Sie kamen mit Hämmern und Feuerwerkskörpern...
Nach dem rassistischen Angriff auf ein Hotel in #Knowsley wurden 12 Personen festgenommen. "Eine Reihe Personen .. wollten Protest nutzen, um so viel Schaden wie möglich anzurichten", so Serena Kennedy, Merceyside Police.
#Refugees #KnowsleyRiots #HostileEnvironment #UK
#knowsley #refugees #knowsleyriots #hostileenvironment #uk
🇬🇧 "Ich war nicht sicher in meinem Land, und ich bin hier nicht sicher."
#Care4Calais zur Lage der #Refugees, in dem Hotel in #Knowsley bei #Liverpool, das am Freitag von einem rassistischen Mob angegriffen wurde:
#care4calais #refugees #knowsley #liverpool
Editorial Merseyside, the far right and the spread of racist ideas | Morning Star
RT @SangitaMyska
Be in no doubt: this is what happens when Government normalises the language of far-right nationalists. #Knowsley #SuellaBraverman
#BBCLauraK asks #AndrewMitchell if, in some way, the government or some its ministers may have been responsible for #Knowsley
"There are accusations though that the government has created an environment where feelings against asylum seekers have been stirred up," she says.
(ahem) 🔽
#BBCLauraK #andrewmitchell #knowsley #whomakesthenazis
I'm dead worried about the attack on a hotel in #Knowsley housing asylum seekers.
There could be people I know through work) who were housed there. This must have been a frightening harrowing experience. And It won't be until next week before I'll be able to check on them (cause I have a week off)
RT @migrantsorg
The attack on asylum accommodation last night in #Knowsley shows us how state racism joined with the rise of the far-right, is bearing directly on our people and communities.
This situation demands a bold show of unity. It's time to show that our #SolidarityKnowsNoBorders
#knowsley #solidarityknowsnoborders
apropos of #Knowsley, I'm reminded of the great Bernard Katz -see
When I said to him in 1991 how pleased he must have been to see the reunification of Germany he said "Hmmm let's wait to see what crawls out from under stones"
Farage, Johnson, Patel and Braverman have caused some very dangerous people to come out from under slimy stones,
I accidentally followed the hashtag #Knowsley on Twitter -and the number of far-right people who are supporting the neo-nazi demo is scary. But mostly they have very few followers and all anonymous. I wonder who's paying them?