Uff, Polizei mal wieder als Schlägertrupp von #CARpitalism unterwegs... 🤯 Soli mit #blockIAA (Triggerwarnung für den Artikel: Üble Verletzungen durch #Polizeigewalt)
#carpitalism #blockiaa #polizeigewalt #polizeiproblem #klimaschmutzlobby #knowyourenemy
Dass #Schulgottesdienst immer noch ein Ding ist, hätte ich auch nicht gedacht. Na ja, erstmal sollen sie das mitnehmen.
#Schulgottesdienst #knowyourenemy
These are the hard-core cons behind the #2024 #Trump candidacy. If you are #LGBTQ this will make discrimination law; if you care about your own or anybody else's rights, #KnowYourEnemy and read on:
Respect for Marriage Act
Vers une crise de l’immobilier sans précédent
Es lag auf dem Weg, schattig und Frischluft... #knowyourenemy im Übrigen
"Hate on Display™ Hate Symbols Database"
Indeed, without the nation state intact, it will inevitably and inexorably lead to a physically violent confrontation between the two political PSYCHOSPIRITUAL sides.
A confrontation that by the logic of its antecedent conditions can only produce a situation where MIGHT must determine RIGHT…
As I envision it, a dystopian, cyberpunk, techno-feudalisT hellscape without the knights on horseback and charming Medieval castles.
#KulturKampf #KnowYourEnemy
#gnosticism #PrettyGnosticMachine
#kulturkampf #knowyourenemy #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine
That worldview is the keystone.
And the war on “Woke” becomes unintelligible without it.
Remove it, the whole edifice of conservative values and ideals, their justification, their raison d'être collapses with it.
Conclusion: If Millennials and Gen Z are less religious than Boomers and Xers, or, for example, opt for some form of politically innocuous “Agnostic Theism,” then that can only be a good thing for the Democratic party and the Left in general.
🚨 Just updated my AWESOME-CYBER-SKILLS page with fresh, fun & FREE hacking environments! 😎🔓💻 Level up legally & safely while staying in the loop with my Cyber Security News Room! 📰 #CyberSecurity #HackingSkills #KnowYourEnemy #StaySafeOnline https://github.com/joe-shenouda/awesome-cyber-skills
#cybersecurity #hackingskills #knowyourenemy #staysafeonline
Liberals seem to be permanetly confused about the intelligence level, goals, and strategies of MAGAt conservatives, and how their cult functions. Here are the facts:
-MAGAts are not stupid or "idiots." They do, however want very different things than we do.
-They are hypocrites--not through some moral oversight--but by design. Cruelty and inconsistency are the point. These tactics are designed to confound you and leave you in a permanent state of disbelief. Which leads to inaction.
-MAGAts are deliberately self-decieved as all members of cults are, because that's how cults work. There's no other mode of existence for them.
-Cults are designed to protect either a leader, an ideology, or both, from either harm or shame.
-Cult psychological warfare relies on three steps. 1) The leader / ideology is always right. 2) People and ideas that conflict with cult leadership or dogma are discredited, ostracized, and removed. 3) Cult lies are deliberately at odds with reality, and for cult members, repeating the lies represent a profession of loyalty. For example, they all know the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Saying that it was identifies members as loyalists.
-Cult dogma represents what would have to be true to justify behavior the cult has already committed to. (Post-hoc rationalization). In this case, destroying democracy.
We liberals have formed our own cultish ideas about MAGAts, and in so doing, we mislead ourselves. The very worst idea is that they are "idiots" or "primitive."
"Marjorie Three Toes" and "Petty Yeti" are funny nicknames, but they do us a tremendous disservice by making someone who's a tremendous threat to our future into a cartoonish joke. It's a violation of every Law of Power, and of Sun Tzu's admonishment to know (and not underestimate) your enemy.
Christian nationalists have joined forces with billionaires and they are a serious and formidable foe. They are waging psychological, political and legal warfare against us. And to a certain extent, physical warfare.
Mocking them and calling them "idiots" may feel good, but it's a terrible mistake.
This is war, and right now they're winning. "Not a joke," as President Biden would say.
short post noting that the Know Your Enemy show recently added a third Freud(ians)-themed episode
#blog #KnowYourEnemy #KYEPodcast #SamAdlerBell #MattSitman #Freud #Freudians #SigmundFreud #ChristopherLasch #PhilipRieff #Parapraxis #ParapraxisMagazine
#blog #knowyourenemy #kyepodcast #samadlerbell #mattsitman #freud #freudians #sigmundfreud #christopherlasch #philiprieff #parapraxis #parapraxismagazine
Another Alt Right Plague Bearer meme.
Keep an eye out for 13/50 crime stats or The Bell Curve IQ arguments. If you ever see them attack bulldogs violence, or talk about a warrior gene in sports, or skull dimples...
#KnowYourEnemy #GOP #AltRight #EchoChamber #PlagueBearers #TheBellCurve #1350 #Clownworld #Republicans #Politics #IQ
#knowyourenemy #gop #altright #Echochamber #plaguebearers #TheBellCurve #clownworld #republicans #politics #IQ
Emmanuel Macron envisage une dissolution de l'Assemblée avant 2027 (avec lepen première ministre)
#knowyourenemy #grève
Vous pouvez compter sur l'absence des députés RN (2 présents sur 11) à la commission des finances sur les retraites
Opposition ? Contrôlée...
The Death of Pope Benedict XVI (w/ Michael O'Loughlin) #knowYourEnemy
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/151169180 via @PodcastAddict@twitter.com
Aprofitant les festes i transcribint el tema que tocarem per passar-ho bé... 😄 😄
#knowyourenemy #rageagainstthemachine
The first 10 minutes of A More Civlized Age's episode on Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (film) https://amorecivilizedage.net/10-star-wars-episode-iii-revenge-of-the-sith ties into Patrick Blanchfield's reference (in KYE'S Freud and Politics https://know-your-enemy-1682b684.simplecast.com/episodes/unlocked-freud-and-politics-w-pat-blanchfield) to the Primal Father.
Palpatine as primal father (greedy murderous corrupting power accumulative rage monster) is a pretty good reading.
#AMoreCivilizedAge #KnowYourEnemy #PatrickBlanchfield #Palpatine
#amorecivilizedage #knowyourenemy #patrickblanchfield #palpatine
J. Edgar Hoover, G-Man (w/ Beverly Gage) #knowYourEnemy
https://podcastaddict.com/episode/150251203 via @PodcastAddict@twitter.com
Sono. Dor. Apetite. Humor.
Poupo qualquer leitura aos conhecidos mecanismos fisiopatológicos entre eles, desde causas a tratamentos.
Desde exemplos mais clássicos como a "gula emocional", até à insidiosa forma da dor crónica se infiltrar lentamente nos outros aspectos.
Todos conhecemos algo assim. Entre nós e os nossos.
Achei piada a relato em q, após alguém ter conseguido voltar a dormir, sorriu após descrever a sublimação em sonhos das raízes do mal-estar.