At a meeting today, I realised I'm not that smart... and I suck at thinking on my feet, it takes me lots of time to digest ideas. I have stubbornness to thank for my external "accomplishments", inside, I'm still confused AF . I will spend hours on ONE THING. Days if it doesn't work. Brute force, hard headed stubbornness. #KnowYourself
#KnowYourself 今天的推送
- 我身上的表现
的确更容易生病了,长新冠一直持续着,没事就打三四五六七八九个喷嚏。一月份嗅觉受损,三月份还没恢复。(不过因为本#HSP 嗅觉过于敏锐,失去部分嗅觉简直减少了人生80%的困扰,所以并不觉得难过。反正嗅觉迟早会回来的。)
Are you self-aware #shorts #selfawareness #knowyourself #yourself #life
#life #yourself #knowyourself #selfawareness #shorts
"This world is not made of shades of grey. It is made of colors like azure and coral and emerald and marigold. But it insists on painting everything in black and white and fitting it into boxes that it understands. Do not do that to yourself. Paint your personality a million different colors. Leave them scratching their heads, unsure of how to handle the magic that you are."
- Nikita Gill, Colours
- Artist: Erika Butterfly
#Self #Artist #Writer #DefineYourSelf #Colors #Artwork #Writing #KnowYourSelf
#self #artist #writer #defineyourself #colors #artwork #writing #knowyourself
@Caddi This is just opinion, but I don’t see where a clinical diagnosis makes any difference - unless you want treatment for #ADHD. I’m of the opinion that we are what we say we are. The only place I see a problem is using self-diagnose to excuse my behaviour. I did this for a long time with my alcoholism, to excuse my selfishness and self-centredness. Being diagnosed #ActuallyAutistic explained some of it. But I had to look at the other behaviours. It was how I got to know myself.
#adhd #actuallyautistic #knowyourself
@Caddi This is just opinion, but I don’t see where a clinical diagnosis makes any difference - unless you want treatment for #ADHD. I’m of the opinion that we are what we say we are. The only place I see a problem is using self-diagnose to excuse my behaviour. I did this for a long time with my alcoholism, to excuse my selfishness and self-centredness. Being diagnosed #ActuallyAutistic explained some of it. But I had to look at the other behaviours. It was how I got to know myself.
#adhd #actuallyautistic #knowyourself
Is #FreeWill an illusion? What you do follows from what you are. - #GalenStrawson. #CriticalThinking #KnowYourself
#freewill #galenstrawson #criticalthinking #knowyourself
Tea wisdom
#tea #TeaWisdom #KnowYourself #LoveYourself #TrustYourself #BeYourself #SelfLove #Compassion #Photography #StacieBee
#tea #teawisdom #knowyourself #loveyourself #trustyourself #beyourself #selflove #compassion #photography #staciebee
That which I focus on: my history is that, if a workout habit is interrupted, it dies. I will move on to the next thing, but not return to the prior thing. With swimming, the habit has survived the flu and surgery on my elbow. That's a glorious win for me, even if I'm still re-climbing the mountain to be where I was prior interruption.
#swimming #swimmer #swim #happiness #habits #KnowYourself #truth
#truth #knowyourself #habits #happiness #swim #swimmer #swimming
Trust your guts
#Kitteh #Puppy #trauma #sundaycomics #SundayMorning #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #emotions #feelings #knowyourself #trustyourself #SundayBrunch #SundayThoughts #SundayMotivation #NKVSSP #youmatter #vibecheck
#kitteh #puppy #trauma #sundaycomics #sundaymorning #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #emotions #feelings #knowyourself #trustyourself #sundaybrunch #sundaythoughts #sundaymotivation #nkvssp #youmatter #vibecheck
今天#KnowYourself 公众号推文标题是「这个可能是2023年最流行的恋爱模式。30左右的女生一定要看!」
隔壁#简单心理 也有一点点标题党的趋势,但是远没到这么恶劣的程度。她们也出书卖书了,希望可以保持初心吧。
今天#KnowYourself 公众号推文标题是「这个可能是2023年最流行的恋爱模式。30左右的女生一定要看!」
隔壁#简单心里 也有一点点标题党的趋势,但是远没到这么恶劣的程度。她们也出书卖书了,希望可以保持初心吧。
Still working on the basement cleanup and right now it’s a matter of going at it in a semi-mindless manner: don’t think too hard and just start each section one by one.
There’s also a part of me that doesn’t want to face certain things like potential wasted food in some bins or having to sort through old papers. Sure those might make you think more or feel more but it’s not impossible if you monitor yourself a bit. At least that’s how I see it.
It’s not a matter of just stopping because I feel anxious but noticing it and seeing if I should take a second to breathe and move on or if I should focus on something else at the moment: pushing yourself to the extremes might not always be the solution.
I say that with a bit of humour in my tone but I believe it’s all a matter of knowing yourself or at least starting to, now.
Treat yourself like you treat a dear friend.
#treatyourself #loveyourself #dothework #becomebetter #cleanup #focus #onemore #knowyourself
#treatyourself #loveyourself #dothework #becomebetter #cleanup #focus #onemore #knowyourself
I think I’m at a point in my life where knowing that some can appreciate what I have to offer is enough (but not required) more than wanting the world to know what I’m capable of.
Sure, it’s best if it starts by you being your best friend :)
It’s so fascinating what we can do to have a pat on the back and feel appreciated and it’s nice when it happens but it’s something we can’t fully control so unless we let go of the expectation of receiving recognition, we can’t really appreciate what we do because it often ends up being done BECAUSE we want others to see.
Let’s just do what has to be done and be happy for the added bonus of recognition: that’s just it - a bonus.
I completely understand it’s easier said than done though but as soon as I understood that not everything I do had to be known or celebrated by others, I felt some relief in being me and allowed myself to make more mistakes to learn.
This is one aspect of that perfectionism lie we tell ourselves.
Hopefully this helps.
#letgo #dothework #beproud #recognition #happiness #knowyourself #becomebetter #beproudofyourself #perfectionism #mistakes #mistake #makemistakes #learn #learnbydoing
#letgo #dothework #beproud #recognition #happiness #knowyourself #becomebetter #beproudofyourself #perfectionism #mistakes #mistake #makemistakes #learn #learnbydoing
Know thyself, they say…
I have an appointment in about 30min and since I never went to this location, I checked the maps app on my phone and decided to use a less crowded route to avoid some traffic but then it was going through a construction zone. So my brilliant self decided to improvise and change the route a bit (mind you I have zero sense of direction) so I look at the highways I’d need to take and was on my way.
Now, I almost reached the exit I was supposed to use and I just realized it was the highway number and NOT the exit number I intended to go to. So now I’m lost and my gps is yelling at me to turn around.
I try to push forward a bit more, thinking I got this.
Turns out I just got even more lost so I just decided to give in and let go and just let the gps give me the path ahead.
Sure enough, it drove me directly in the construction zone I was trying to avoid but it turns out the traffic was about 7min there (really manageable).
The morale here is know your strengths and weaknesses and sometimes you have to let go OR prepare a bit more beforehand😉
#knowyourself #knowthyself #letgo
How to hold your position? Good advise on how to act when you want to go into a shop without a mask etc....
#holdyourposition #knowyourself
We should beware of whatever insights we have into ourselves. Self-knowledge annoys & paralyzes the daimon. That's why Socrates never wrote a single thing. #knowyourself