Soll mir noch einer sagen, beim #FCBayern wären sie nicht kreativ in Sachen Transfers: Koa #Sechser auf dem Markt? #Koa Torhüter anet? Koa Problem! Kauf' mer hoit oafach an #HarryKane! Der schiasst vorn die Tore, die wo mir hinten kassier'n ... 🙄 #nullsummenspiel
#FCBayern #Sechser #koa #HarryKane #nullsummenspiel
ビーチハンティング ( Koa and his friend )
drawing made for Slock with his character Koa!
Flt: SWA1378 #SouthwestAirlines #SJC-#KOA
First seen: 2023/07/01 17:22:09
Min Alt: 2157 ft AGL
Min Dist: 8.71 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
My "Best Practices" for professional full-featured #Node / #TypeScript mono repositories. I came up with this:
Any feedback for further improvements?
#node #typescript #lerna #esbuild #koa
Laut #Koa-Vertrag von #CDU & #SPD sollen Dutzende neue U-Bahn-Kilometer, u. a. bis #Buch, #Falkenberg und #Marzahn geprüft werden. Infrage gestellt werden die Tram Leipziger Straße, die #M10 zum Hermannplatz und die #M2 nach Blankenburg.
#koa #cdu #spd #buch #Falkenberg #marzahn #M10 #M2
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: My Favorite Movie Trope Is Large Man Protecting Small Girl #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #fictionalcyborgs #haileesteinfeld #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #thegameplan #jeffbridges #adamdriver #terminator #johnconnor #acaciakoa #vindiesel #milakunis #johncena #truegrit #fiction #adam #tom #koa
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #fictionalcyborgs #haileesteinfeld #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #thegameplan #jeffbridges #AdamDriver #terminator #johnconnor #acaciakoa #vindiesel #milakunis #johncena #truegrit #fiction #adam #tom #koa
The plugin ecosystem for templating engines in Express is (still) larger than in Koa.
In particular, for #Handlebars, there seem to be just 3 in #Koa, and all quite outdated (last updated in 2016, 2017 and 2017).
Alternatives to #Express:
Koa, which can either replace or complement both Express and Connect.
Fastify, which looks straightforward and very similar to Express. Plugin for templating (supporting Handlebars, Mustache, Pug and EJS): @fastify/view.
NestJS, which seems too convoluted and probably redundant since it works on top of either Express or Fastify (?).
Meteor: more of a platform. No tutorial for vanilla JS (only for React, Vue, etc), and not oriented towards SSR.
I’ll probably go for #Koa or #Fastify.
:javascript: #JS #JavaScript :node: #Node.js #Node
#express #koa #fastify #js #javascript #node
Converging verticals
Koa at Electric Boulevard by @fosterandpartners
#batterseapowerstation #estate
#london #battersea #powerstation #power #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #architecturephotography #vero #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #14-24S
#Architecture #Building
#BatterseaPowerStation #estate #london #Battersea #powerstation #power #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #architecturephotography #VERO #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard #lookup #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #architecture #building
Forever in each of us:
BOOK 07./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
by #treeskulltown
only on #objkt
#skulleth #koa #treeskulltown #OBJKT #gif #art #nft #tezos
Arbora Magicalis:
BOOK 05./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
by #treeskulltown
#skulleth #koa #treeskulltown #tezos #nft #gif #art
the creative mother machine
BOOK 04./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8: #koa
#skulleth #koa #treeskulltown #gif #tezos #OBJKT
looking for the key:
BOOK 01./50 editions
of #skulleth serie 8 #koa
today I feel that something is wrong,
why am I saying this...
I have everything one could wish for,
and far beyond,
one could say that I am on top...
but yet this morning and I am taking hindsight,
thinking about the recurring dream that haunts my nights,
my mind is like an endless corridor of shimmering colors,
and a voice resounds in my head "looking for the key"
- treeskulltown
First seen: 2023/01/02 16:39:03
Min Alt: 3625 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.31 mi
#planefence #adsb -
#aa882e #n778qs #netjetssales #koa #sfo #planefence #adsb
Koa at Electric Boulevard by @fosterandpartners
#batterseapowerstation #estate
#london #battersea #powerstation #electricity #generate #power #turbine #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #regenerate #architecturephotography #vero #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #14-24S
#Architecture #Building
#BatterseaPowerStation #estate #mastodon #london #Battersea #powerstation #electricity #generate #power #turbine #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #regenerate #architecturephotography #VERO #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard #lookup #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #architecture #building
Competing towers
Koa at Electric Boulevard by @fosterandpartners
Prospect Place designed by Frank #Gehry
#batterseapowerstation #estate
#london #battersea #powerstation #power #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #architecturephotography #vero #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #14-24S
#Architecture #Building
#Gehry #BatterseaPowerStation #estate #london #Battersea #powerstation #power #gilesgilbertscott #scott #glass #steel #apartments #londonphotography #skyward #architecturephotography #VERO #foster #fosterandpartners #koa #electricboulevard #electric #boulevard #lookup #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #architecture #building
I built vector tileserver for osm2streets yesterday afternoon! It's written in Typescript & Koa, and calls the NodeJS wasm keybindings for osm2streets (built in Rust).
PRs very welcome, it's work in progress but currently returns GeoJSON. I'm planning to make a very pretty cycling map with it that shows _infrastructure on the ground_.
Attached is a screenshot of StreetExplorer, a debug output of osm2streets data.
#osm2streets #openstreetmap #typescript #rust #wasm #koa #cycling #urbanism #betterstreets #sydney
#cycling #urbanism #betterstreets #osm2streets #openstreetmap #typescript #rust #wasm #koa #sydney
I built a vector tileserver for osm2streets yesterday afternoon! It's written in Typescript & Koa, and calls the NodeJS wasm keybindings for osm2streets (built in Rust).
PRs very welcome, it's work in progress but currently returns GeoJSON. I'm planning to make a very pretty cycling map with it that shows _infrastructure on the ground_.
Attached is a screenshot of StreetExplorer, a debug output of osm2streets data.
#osm2streets #openstreetmap #typescript #rust #wasm #koa #cycling #urbanism #betterstreets #sydney
#cycling #urbanism #betterstreets #osm2streets #openstreetmap #typescript #rust #wasm #koa #sydney
Flt: #EJA202 #NetJets #BFI-#KOA
First seen: 2022/12/20 13:53:22
Min Alt: 2300 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.31 mi
#planefence #adsb -
#a19ae0 #eja202 #netjets #bfi #koa #planefence #adsb