On July 19th 2012, the population of #Kobane expelled the Syrian army after months of uprisings against the Ba’ath Regime
➡️ This was the start of the #Rojava Revolution
🗒️ Read our brochure about the history of the revolution in NE-#Syria & the #YPJ
🔗 https://ypj-info.org/resources/#Brouchure
This is part of the video that Rojava Media Center published and shows the ambulance that #Turkey targeted yesterday in #Kobane
2 medical staff were injured when they rushed to the scenes that had been shelled with mortars earlier that day
Mislim N. Oso & Sozdar M. Isman were looking for wounded when being targeted themselves
#Turkey #kobane #warcrime #Rojava #AANES #syria
📢Imágenes de ataque turco a una ambulancia en Kobanê
✅Ayer miércoles, el ejército turco atacó la ciudad de Kobanê, en el norte de Siria. Entre los objetivos se encontraba una ambulancia que había sido enviada a causa de un bombardeo anterior. Dos paramédicos apenas sobrevivieron al ataque.
via @anf_espanol@twitter.com #Kurdistan #FreeOcalan #Rojava #ypj #ypg #sdf #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #Kobanê
#kurdistan #freeocalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #sdf #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #kobane
#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern
#JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava Let's remember Kurdish #FSA leader Abu Layla, who was seriously injured defending #Kobane. [UPDATES]
#kobane #fsa #bijirojava #jinjiyanazadi #feelthebern #demexit #Humanity #MeToo #DACA #sdf #BLM #nodapl #occupy #Union #megabanks #oligarchs #idiocracy #corpmedia
🗣️ The mothers of martyrs on the upcoming trials of foreign #ISIS members
📢 "My son was martyred by the hands of ISIS while defending #Kobane. We were waiting for such trials for a long time. The crimes committed against our children may not remain unpunished." - Henîfa Şêxo
📢 "We are demanding the rights for our children who have been killed by #ISIS. We are standing with the Autonomous Administration; the decision for puting ISIS on trial is right. We want justice regarding these terrorists who caused such unbearable pain to us." - Meziyet Yûsêf
Interviews done by JINHA News Agency
Kobanî massacre, 25 June 2015 #Kobane
🌹Today marks the 8th anniversary of the #Kobane massacre
➡️ After the liberation of Kobane in Jan. 2015, ISIS carried out a massacre on 25.6.2015, killing 252 civilians
➡️ ISIS fighters disguised as #YPG infiltrated Kobane from Jarablus & Mürşitpınar border crossing, #Turkey
➡️ The ISIS militant had entered the village of Barkh Botan & Kobane city under cover of darkness in the early hours of June 25
➡️ From there, they went from house to house, killing old people, men, women & children
➡️ During the massacre infants had been killed in their beds & ISIS militants cut off the index & middle finger of an infant - the 2 fingers used to show the victory sign
➡️Among the 252 killed civilians there have been 35 children & 64 women - 3 of them being pregnant
❗The internationalist Commune just joined kolektiva.social!
✌️ :rojava3:
Happy to have you here, folks!
#rojava #kurdistan #kurd #kurdish #amed #kurdi #bakur #rojhelat #iraq #ypg #efrin #azadi #kobane
#Rojava #kurdistan #kurd #kurdish #amed #Kurdi #bakur #rojhelat #iraq #ypg #efrin #azadi #kobane
Drei schwer Verletzte durch Drohnenangriff bei Kobanê
Nachdem heute um 11:55 Uhr Ortszeit eine Drohne des türkischen Besatzerstaates ein Motorrad auf dem Weg nach Aleppo, im Süden von Kobanê angegriffen hatte, wurde nun bekannt, dass der 25 jährige Mihemed Behcet Eyûb, der 28 jährige Xebat Edhem und der 22 jährige Elaa Ebdurezzaq durch den Angriff verletzt wurden.
#kobane #Rojava #kurdistan #drohnen
Deu anys de les #YPJ en #Rojava
#ypj #ypg #sdf #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #Kobanê #Daesh
via Contropotere en Telegram
#ypj #rojava #ypg #sdf #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #kobane #daesh
Documental en castellano
•Comandante arian: Una historia de mujeres, guerra y libertad.
A comienzos del año 2015, las milicias kurdas liberaban del Estado Islámico la ciudad de Kobane, al norte de Siria. La comandante Arian de las YPJ formó parte de ..
via Antifascists Pics and Vids en Telegram
#Documentary #Film #Kurdistan #FreeOcalan #Rojava #ypj #ypg #sdf #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #Kobanê
#documentary #film #kurdistan #freeocalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #sdf #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineoloji #kobane
Sozdar Dêrik: “Erdogan vol eliminar els kurds, però no li ho permetrem” https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/erdogan-tuquia-sozdar-derik-kurds-ypg-isis-rojava/ #KurdistanOccidental #Kurdistan #Llevant #Erdogan #Turquia #Kobane #Rojava #Síria #PKK
#kurdistanoccidental #kurdistan #Llevant #erdogan #turquia #kobane #rojava #siria #pkk
🌹 The people of North & East #Syria bid farewell to #YPJ fighter Cudî Egîd
➡️ Our beloved comrade Cudî was martyred in a Turkish drone attack on May 11 in #Kobane
➡️ #NATO member #Turkey is assassinating women who were fighting #ISIS
#syria #ypj #kobane #nato #turkey #isis #Rojava #turkeyelections #secim
⚡ On May 11, #Turkey targeted a vehicle in #Kobane
🌹 #YPJ member Cûdî Egîd was martyred in the attack
📢 "The Turkish state is carrying out such attacks with the aim of eliminating the leaders of the women’s revolution in #Rojava"
🔗 YPJ statement:
Looking Beyond the Rubble: Aiding the Kurds after the Syria, Türkiye Earthquake https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/looking-beyond-the-rubble-aiding-the-kurds-after-the-syria-turkiye-earthquake/ #Global #AANES #Afrin #aleppo #earthquake #earthquakes #Jindires #Kobane #Kobani #Kurdistan #natural_disaster #red_crescent_society #Rojava #Syria #Turkey #Türkiye #Türkiye
#global #AANES #afrin #aleppo #earthquake #earthquakes #jindires #kobane #kobani #kurdistan #natural_disaster #red_crescent_society #Rojava #syria #turkey #turkiye