end of a long week chasing a technical problem. the issue end up being on the vendor side but it didnt make me feel any better. So I am annoyed knowing I cant fix it what I dont have access to. Most are afraid of the #kobayashimaru but Im a blerd with imposter syndrome & former Marine.. kobayashi maru is my side-kick. https://youtu.be/qPK_LXteaWw?si=CPVtcL3ngsk0jmIg&t=304
Hypothesis: Every film with "Other" in its title is set in the same universe. Make it make sense. #ActuallyAutistic #KobayashiMaru
#actuallyautistic #kobayashimaru
I looked at a profile of a follower of mine who had: #TamakiMakaurau in their profile. The first thing in my mind: #kobayashimaru !
I watch too much #startrek ! 😂
#tamakimakaurau #kobayashimaru #startrek
Popehat: "Paying the Danegeld — whether in coin or in abandonment of principles — doesn’t deter the Danes from reaving any more than throwing bacon at a dog makes it run away." https://popehat.substack.com/p/jack-smith-donald-trump-and-the-kobayashi #KobayashiMaru #law #USpolitics #TFG
#TFG #uspolitics #law #kobayashimaru
FMK — State of the Union Edition
“I love my little nerd. He makes me so happy! I love playing little games with him to keep things exciting! I just don’t know why he keeps calling my little games ‘Kobayashi Maru Tests.’ He can be so silly sometimes!”
#kobayashimaru #Relationship #startrek
I finished day 10 of the #TryHackMe #AdventOfCyber2022 challenge a day late as I spent the day hanging out with my family yesterday and didn't want to hop on a computer.
Day 10 focused on memory analysis and manipulation in order to beat an unwinnable web game.
If was interesting and I got some familiarity with the #Cetus web assembly memory analysis tool.
#tryhackme #adventofcyber2022 #cetus #infosec #kobayashimaru