does anyone else wanna hug #lucoa from #kobayashisDragonMaid??
#lucoa #kobayashisdragonmaid #stablediffusion #animeart
@tengkuizdihar All right, I'll take the bait, which #manga mentioned pair programming? Don't tell me #KobayashisDragonMaid...
Repost with added stuff/behind CW!
Shows: #Arcane #TheWitcher #CyberpunkEdgerunners #MyHeroAcademia #WandaVision #Loki #SPYxFAMILY #SailorMoon #LoveIsWar #FullMetalAlchemist #KobayashisDragonMaid #AdventureTime #StevenUniverse #TeenTitans #JusticeLeague #TheITCrowd
Games: #Pokemon #Terraria #TBoI #TheBindingOfIsaac #Splatoon #AnimalCrossing #StardewValley #DisneyDreamlight #Portal2 #Danganronpa #ProjectDiva #FFXIV #DonutCounty #Undertale #Cyberpunk2077 #LittleBigPlanet #RogueLegacy #Lego #TeamfightTactics #FallGuys #MonsterProm #SlimeRancher #Hades
Bonus Tags bc I'm bad at category ideas: #StudioGhibli #StarWars #Marvel #DC #Musicals #Nintendo #Playstation #BoardGames #Anime #Manga
(list not all-encompassing, I just can't think of a lot of stuff rn)
#arcane #thewitcher #cyberpunkedgerunners #myheroacademia #wandavision #Loki #SPYxFAMILY #sailormoon #loveiswar #fullmetalalchemist #kobayashisdragonmaid #adventuretime #StevenUniverse #teentitans #justiceleague #theitcrowd #pokemon #terraria #tboi #thebindingofisaac #splatoon #animalcrossing #stardewvalley #disneydreamlight #portal2 #danganronpa #projectdiva #ffxiv #donutcounty #undertale #cyberpunk2077 #littlebigplanet #roguelegacy #lego #teamfighttactics #FallGuys #monsterprom #slimerancher #hades #studioghibli #starwars #marvel #dc #musicals #nintendo #Playstation #boardgames #anime #manga
I wanted to lick her feet | MS10 #pixiv #loli #footfetish #kobayashisdragonmaid
#pixiv #loli #footfetish #kobayashisdragonmaid
I wanted to lick her feet | MS10 #pixiv #kobayashisdragonmaid #feet #footfetish
#pixiv #kobayashisdragonmaid #feet #footfetish