I did find one listing of #cobza for sale made by Borş, but the link to the auction page was dead. some of the photos of it were still up on GIS though. looks cool, especially the more traditional fretless one. #lute #koboz #MusicalInstruments #FolkMusic
#cobza #lute #koboz #musicalinstruments #folkmusic
The other video he sent me, also in #Romanian, was this 10-year old clip about another #luthier from #Chişinău #Moldova, Ion Borş. We also see some scenes of him putting together instruments as well as showing off various other stringed and blown #MusicalInstruments from his collection.
I've seen videos of Borş performing decades earlier so I think he was a well-known accompanist earlier in life.
#FolkMusic #Moldova #lute #koboz #cobza
#romanian #luthier #chisinau #moldova #musicalinstruments #folkmusic #lute #koboz #cobza
I tried googling to find more photos of instruments made by Dron, the only one I found was this old post about one for sale from 2020: https://999.md/ro/67596914
Interesting, its sound holes are pretty but not the usual configuration
#lute #cobza #FolkMusic #MusicalInstruments #koboz
#lute #cobza #folkmusic #musicalinstruments #koboz