Call them the #KlannedKarenhood or #AssholesWithCasseroles or #MinivanTaliban but "Moms For Liberty" are:
NOT Moms
NOT for Liberty
Just another phony "astroturf" group funded by #KochNetwork & RW Billionaires like @NoLabelsOrg
We've seen this before
#kochnetwork #minivantaliban #assholeswithcasseroles #klannedkarenhood
I use #KKKarens as well but we have to take this designated HATE group seriously as they are another astroturf group being funded by #KochNetwork #Heritage Foundation & other RW groups & likely Russia too
They not only cook their books but want to ban ours
#heritage #kochnetwork #kkkarens
Reminder: Mike #Pence was picked by Paul Manafort, not by Donald Trump. After Trump beat Cruz (their first choice), Pence was part of the bargain between Trump and the #CNP.
Pence ties either directly or indirectly to Christian nationalists, #KochNetwork, and Chekists.
#Mastodon is strange.
I tend to see posts related to
#COVIDisNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
trending on large instances (ie. not just within my social network). I don't think it happened as often on the bird site, if ever.
Is this the effect of lesser amount of obvious trolls/bots/astroturfing compared to #Twitter? Absence of popular figureheads of the #KochNetwork and similar players? Twitter was swarming with all of this.
Or are people here simply naturally more open to these issues?
#mastodon #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #MasksWork #twitter #kochnetwork
RT @VictoryLaine12
Iowa's pro-starvation law was authored by a conservative dark-money "think tank" based in Florida: the #OpportunitySolutionsProject, the lobbying arm of #FoundationForGovernmentAccountability, run by #TarrenBragdon, a Maine politician with a knack for getting money from the #KochNetwork and the #DeVos family for projects that punish, humiliate and kill marginalized people. The Iowa bill mirrors provisions passed in #KY, #KS, #WI and elsewhere - and goes beyond them.
#opportunitysolutionsproject #FoundationforGovernmentAccountability #tarrenbragdon #kochnetwork #devos #ky #ks #wi
Can you really blame people for not having faith in our institutions?
#politics #uspolitics #republican #republicans #gop #gqp #trump #meme #politicalmeme #memes #politicalhumor #koch #charleskoch #kochnetwork #darkmoney #signaturebank #siliconvalleybank #svb #banking #wealth
#politics #uspolitics #Republican #republicans #gop #GQP #trump #meme #politicalmeme #memes #politicalhumor #koch #charleskoch #kochnetwork #darkmoney #signaturebank #siliconvalleybank #svb #banking #wealth
The two parties are NOT the same!
Dems base their beliefs on reality & facts
@GOP base their beliefs on delusional conspiracy theories stoked by @FoxNews & #KochNetwork propaganda
#kochnetwork #ResistanceUnited #proudblue #bluewave2024 #magamoron
Compared to politicians, SCOTUS justices enjoy gifts and hospitality with even less scrutiny. Without transparency, anyone from Putin to gun companies can buy justices with meals, hotel rooms, and God knows what else.
#scotus #amyconeybarrett #politics #uspol #uspolitics #transparecy #darkmoney #influence #hotels #meals #putin #russia #kochnetwork #federalistsociety #supremecourt
#scotus #amyconeybarrett #politics #uspol #uspolitics #transparecy #darkmoney #influence #hotels #meals #putin #russia #kochnetwork #federalistsociety #supremecourt
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@stopgopfox It's as easy as 1-2-3: cut education to the bone, make schools toxic culture war hellscapes, and finally, welcome those dropping out into the labor market. You know, right as the #GQP rolls back child labor laws. Oh joy.
#childlabor #republicans #republican #gop #kochnetwork #donors #education #teachers #students #politics #uspol #uspolitics
#GQP #childlabor #republicans #republican #gop #kochnetwork #donors #education #teachers #students #politics #uspol #uspolitics
Further proof that the USA has been bought and sold by old, white, dinosaurs dressed as shysters.
#kochnetwork determines who gets to run?
The GOP establishment is going all in to beat Trump. Will it work?
Koch network a boost
To Republican turn the page
From Trump to primaries
#kochnetwork #republican #trump #primaries #haiku #poetry
#republican #trump #kochnetwork #haiku #poetry #primaries
Disguising their true agenda is paramount to the #KochNetwork success
as an example
How in the world does having a gas stove have anything to do with Liberty?
Yet that is what they are selling
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue
#kochnetwork #resistanceunited #wtpblue #demcast #demvoice1 #proudblue
GOP lawmakers are paid well by the #KochNetwork
Every elected Republican accepts Koch dark money
And do their damndest to wreck our Govt,
only to turn around and claim Govt is broken and only they can fix it!!
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue
#kochnetwork #resistanceunited #wtpblue #demcast #demvoice1 #proudblue
@juddlegum These corporations are major donors to GOP and cry wolf so Fox picks it up. Outright lying is now part of the #DarkMoney #KochNetwork strategy.
Going back to bed. Still adjusting insulin pump ratios in the middle of the night. Have you ever done that and worked f/t, and raised a kid etc? I have. #insulin4all #KochNetwork #FreedomLooksLikeMe #PublicSchools are #PublicGoods
#insulin4all #kochnetwork #freedomlookslikeme #publicschools #publicgoods
“Fox News stopped talking about it, according to an analysis by Media Matters. Then, as the Biden administration took over, something happened. Mentions of CRT skyrocketed on Fox News. At the same time, state legislators started introducing bills.
What was behind the surge, months after Rufo’s appearance?
Our research makes the answer clear: It was the #KochNetwork. 7/
“State politicians were almost entirely silent on the topic until the #KochNetwork started pushing the issue earlier this year, months after it was first raised by Fox News commentators. 2/
RT Private equity controls the gatekeepers of our Democracy. Click on this hashtag:
It all leads to #KochNetwork
#kochnetwork #rovesempireofelectionfraud