#filmphotography #KodakInstamatic #ektachrome
From a family trip in the late 1960s. I believe this was on the way in to Glacier National Park. All of cameras we had when I was a kid shot square images. Not ideal for this kind of landscape.
#ektachrome #kodakinstamatic #filmphotography
#filmphotography #KodakInstamatic #oldphotos
Hayden Valley in Yellowstone National Park, taken on a family trip in the later 1960s. Little square Ektachrome slides…
Plustek scanner, Vuescan, Photoshop.
#oldphotos #kodakinstamatic #filmphotography
#oldphotos #KodakInstamatic #PhotoMonday
Taken in the late ‘60s on a family trip to the western US. According to notes in the carousel with these slides, this is the Powder River Pass. Although it was August, there was a snowstorm in the pass.
I’ve been working through old slides that were stored (and forgotten) for decades. When I was a kid, I had a Kodak Instamatic. The square images don’t do justice to the landscape, and they are fuzzy, due to limitations of the camera and the photographer.
#Photomonday #kodakinstamatic #oldphotos
#oldphotos #KodakInstamatic Ten Sleep Canyon. Taken in the late ‘60s on a family trip to the western US. I’ve been working through old slides that had been stored (and forgotten) with family for decades. When I was a kid, not many folks had good cameras. I had a Kodak Instamatic. These slides from the west are frustrating: the square images really don’t do justice to the landscape. And of course they are fuzzy, limitations of the camera and the photographer. This all seemed normal at the time.
A local bridge, shot with a Kodak Instamatic 133 camera, using Foma 200 loaded into a 126 film cartridge along with the backing paper. The film was developed in D-76.
Description: A photo of a bridge, with the bridge's frame creating a rib-like circular pattern over the walkway.
#AnaloguePhotography #FilmPhotography #126Film #Kodak #KodakInstamatic #KodakInstamatic133 #Fomapan200 #Fomapan #B&WPhotography #Cityscapes #Bridge #VintageCamera #CheapCamera #ToyCamera #BelieveInFilm
#analoguephotography #filmphotography #126film #kodak #kodakinstamatic #kodakinstamatic133 #fomapan200 #Fomapan #b #cityscapes #bridge #vintagecamera #cheapcamera #toycamera #believeinfilm