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【評測】PS5/PC《臥龍:蒼天隕落》 三國歷史妖魔化 + 爽快打擊 + 魂系動作遊戲
近期經歷了二月份大量新遊戲的推出,但在眾多玩家還在體驗其中之時,光榮推出了由 KOEI TEMCO Games […]
The post 【評測】PS5/PC《臥龍:蒼天隕落》 三國歷史妖魔化 + 爽快打擊 + 魂系動作遊戲 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.

#評測 #遊戲情報 #遊戲評測 #koei

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
116 followers · 385 posts · Server

4. Ken to Mahou (Sword and Magic, 1983). At least they tried something different. If Dungeon's fault was that it was too simple, this title's fault is that it is too complex. You have five different attack options, two dodge options, and a dozen stats whose immediate effects are not apparent.

Likely developed for the PC-80 series (due to failing to launch except in compatibility mode on my FR), this feels like a much earlier abandoned project that was perhaps revived and finished quickly for some reason.

Programmed in BASIC and with absolutely no story, you aren't missing anything by missing this game. 0 / 10

Coming up soon, Top Management!


#koeilegacy #pc88 #pc8801 #retrogaming #koei

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
116 followers · 385 posts · Server

3. Dungeon, 1983. I wish there were more to say about Dungeon - its presentation is half a step above the previous games, but its evolution is obvious.

Character generation this time is a random, timing-based mini-game, just like Nobunaga '83 uses. You can pick from 5 classes, but I didn't notice any difference between them.

Town scenes still play out in text form, like Dragon and Princess, but the overworld is much more colorful (and even more apparent clone).

I believe I covered the entire island map, and could only find a singular dungeon. The dungeon is, again, Ultima-like, meaning you spam the forward key to attack and glomp through thousands of enemies for XP and gold.

Despite being the most playable game up until this point, it was clear all of Shibusawa Kou's design references were essentially based in one game.


#koeilegacy #ultima #pc88 #pc8801 #retrogaming #koei

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
114 followers · 382 posts · Server

Before introducing the other two, it should be noted that Dragon and Princess has an English translation patch!


#koeilegacy #koei #retrogaming #pc88

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
114 followers · 381 posts · Server

In between the failed eroge entries but before the breakthrough strategy hit Nobunaga in 83, Koei released 4 VERY primitive RPGs. The first two are:

1. Dragon and Princess, 1982.
There isn't much out there about this because it's a mostly text-based adventure that uses katakana only, making it hard to read. You name a party of 5 adventurers and wander around a world of text. Combat does contain graphics, as shown below, and while not the worst effort, it was clearly a _very_ slow mockery of Ultima (but you do have a party of heroes, so there is that!).

2. Khufu-ou no Himitsu (Secret of the King of Khufu, 1983). I couldn't find a dump of this for PC88, but based on FM-7 screenshots (below), it's not much of an evolution of Dragon and Princess. Exploration is clearly now tile-based, but at the cost of looking even more like an clone.


#koeilegacy #ultima #koei #pc88 #retrogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Danthrax · @Danthrax
27 followers · 70 posts · Server
Universo Nintendo · @gustavo_rebollar_angel
10 followers · 60 posts · Server

Tecmo y recrearán el primer juego de gracias a The Alchemist of Salburg para y otros sistemas :3.

#koei #gust #atelier #ateliermarieremake #nintendoswitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Danthrax · @Danthrax
27 followers · 67 posts · Server

Tecmo Koei has announced a remake of Atelier Marie, a potion-crafting RPG that appeared on the Saturn and Dreamcast. Details at Sega Saturn Shiro:

#sega #saturn #atelier #tecmo #koei #gust #videogames #RetroGaming

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
107 followers · 364 posts · Server

3. My Lolita, 1984. This abomination needs no introduction. This game is basically why certain hentai laws exist in Japan. This isn’t so much a game as it is a clumsy interface for hiding awful art. -99/10

4. ”Do Dutch Wives Dream of Electric Sheep” -1984, an in-essence sequel to Danchizuma. For context, a “dutch wife” in Japanese context is a body pillow or realdoll. Besides this clever reference to Blade Runner, the game is mostly pointless. It does have more thought-out systems than Housewives 1, and features better art and writing than their prior efforts, but in the end its a lazy dungeon crawler thrown on top of cheap porn. 0/10

Part 2 / 2

#koei #pc88 #retrogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
107 followers · 363 posts · Server

In between 1982 and 1984, Koei tried to establish themselves in both the emerging eroge market and emerging (western-style) role-playing market, releasing 4 games in each genre over this time span.

Their attempts were unsuccessful.

Their eroge game releases were:
1. Night Life, 1982. Not a game per se so much as a short sequence inspired by kama sutra, displayed in horrible black and white line art. According to the game intro, this is intended to educate men on how to have a pleasant "night life" with your wives. I'm pretty sure they missed the mark. -4/10
2. Danchizuma no Yuuwaku, 1983, or "Temptation of Housewives". An RPG in only the technical sense, your main goal here is to grind ghosts in empty apartments for money and then bribe women for their 'temptations'. Absolutely horrible, -2/10

Part 1 / 2

#koei #pc88 #retrogaming

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
106 followers · 361 posts · Server

Nobunaga's Ambition, generally regarded as the early flagship series, came in 1983. Despite a horrible interface, it has a large amount of options and systems depth.

The majority foundation of the series can be found here: You mainly progress by invading neighboring states. You must balance soldier recruitment, distributing grain and gold, taxes etc. to keep your citizens and soldiers faith in you high. There are plagues and floods (and dams). Market price for goods such as grain and weapons varies over time (there is only one market though, unlike later games). You can call a cease-fire and attempt to spy on neighboring states.

Really the only problem with the game is that it's impossibly hard! In early Nobunaga games, its common to pass turns to gain resources. Here, you can pass 4 turns (one year) to gain a harvest, get hit by a plague and a flood and a neighboring state attack and you're out - even on difficulty 1.

Maybe a remake is easier!

#retrogaming #pc88 #koei

Last updated 2 years ago

PC-88ingrate · @pc88ingrate
105 followers · 359 posts · Server

The first game EVER published by is a simple strategy game called Kawanakajima no Kassen, or "Clash at Kawanakajima", in 1981 for the .

There were no graphics to speak of, and the game was essentially a single battle sim. It served as a testing ground for battle mechanics in future Kou Shibusawa games, but there isn't a ton here.

There are 6 unit types, including pikeman and cavalry, have varying attack and movement scores, and you have 20 turns to route the enemy. That's about it.

Unique to this game, units can only move forward or forward diagonally - to move in other directions they need to first use a turnabout command to rotate the unit's facing direction.

The most impressive part is how large the map is - despite it being nothing but blackness on '88. A very playable remake is available on Steam, if you're interested. 

#koei #pc88 #retrogaming #pc8801

Last updated 2 years ago