@sonjalemke PS:
Sehr empfehlenswerter #Film zum #Thema https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s8qcmCqzbXE&feature=emb_title#m.youtube.com/watch?v=RO-yJBh8nl0
#film #thema #koenokatachi #yoursilentvoice
"Depression doesn't go away, doesn't lift for most people.
But there's a capacity to feel again, there's a capacity to experience joy.
The cure for so many things is connection,
and we may think 'no one wants to connect with me.'
But we just need to find the right people."
#anime #depression #asilentvoice #koenokatachi
"Depression doesn't go away, doesn't lift for most people.
But there's a capacity to feel again, there's a capacity to experience joy.
The cure for so many things is connection,
and we may think 'no one wants to connect with me.'
But we just need to find the right people."
#anime #depression #asilentvoice #koenokatachi
🆕 #Anime review: Koe no Katachi
A hard to watch movie from 2016 about school bullying and suicide. It’s truly a horrifying thing and you feel like crap while watching it…
Aquí dejo mi 3x3 de manga favoritos :a2love:
La verdad es que me ha costado bastante, y, por ejemplo, de ciertos autores, aunque tenga varias obras suyas en la lista de favoritas, he decidido dejar solo una, como es el caso de Inio Asano o Takehiko Inoue.
Probablemente, si me preguntáis mañana cambie alguno, no por nada, sino porque me he dejado en el tintero obras que amo como Suiiki, Emanon, Ashita no Joe o Kami-sama ga Uso wo Tsuku (entro otros).
Los # están ordenados según la imagen 3x3, empezando por la esquina superior izquierda, yendo de izquierda a derecha. Por eso la imagen no tiene descripción.
#Bakuman #TokyoRevengers #Bleach #KoeNoKatachi #Rookies #NijigaharaHolograph #KurokoNoBasket #ShokugekiNoSoma #Vagabond
He utilizado esta web para hacerlo: https://gqgs.github.io/3x3-generator
#bakuman #tokyorevengers #bleach #koenokatachi #rookies #nijigaharaholograph #kurokonobasket #shokugekinosoma #vagabond
#currlisteningalceaw #koenokatachi #kensukeushio
#CurrListeningAlcea #crisis #drama #derail
* frc - #KoeNoKatachi OST
( #UshioKensuke)
#currlisteningalcea #crisis #drama #derail #koenokatachi #ushiokensuke
I watched "A Silent Voice" yesterday. I may not have been entirely successful in keeping my eyes dry.
I think I need to rewatch it to get some of the scenes though. It probably didn't help that I watched the subbed version while eating and trying to keep the cat away from the food.
#asilentvoice #koenokatachi #anime