“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values.”
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Equality #KofiAnnan #Quote
"Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance."
Kofi Annan
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #equality #kofiannan #quote
🔗 https://www.passblue.com/2023/01/18/the-time-to-prosecute-top-russians-for-the-crime-of-aggression-is-now-says-a-war-tribunal-expert/
The Time to Prosecute Top Russians for the Crime of Aggression Is Now, Says a War Tribunal Expert
Dawn Clancy
Hans Corell knows how to establish war crime tribunals.
#crimeofaggression #internationalcriminalcourt #internationaljustice #kofiannan #russiaukrainewar #ungeneralassembly #unsecretariesgeneral #unsecuritycouncil #UN #UnitedNations #russiaukraine #icc
#icc #RussiaUkraine #unitednations #un #unsecuritycouncil #unsecretariesgeneral #ungeneralassembly #russiaukrainewar #kofiannan #internationaljustice #internationalcriminalcourt #crimeofaggression
"More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations." — Kofi Annan — — — #KofiAnnan #quote #quotes #humanity #history #survival #destiny #dependence #world
#kofiannan #quote #quotes #Humanity #history #survival #destiny #dependence #world
Nachruf auf Kofi Annan
Mann der „Millenniumsziele“ - Kofi Annan war einer der bedeutendsten UN-Generalsekretäre. Selbst von den USA konnte er sich glaubhaft abgrenzen. Unter allen bislang neun Generalsekretären der UNO – den derzeitigen Amtsinhaber Antonio Gute ...
#Afrika #AntonioGuterres #BillClinton #BoutrosBoutrosGhali #DagHammarskjöld #Ghana #Irak #KofiAnnan #Milleniumziele #Peacekeeping #Syrien #UN-Sicherheitsrat #UNO #USA
#afrika #antonioguterres #billclinton #boutrosboutrosghali #daghammarskjöld #ghana #irak #kofiannan #milleniumziele #peacekeeping #syrien #un #uno #usa
I was a super nerdy kid in high school who was in the Model UN club so I was well acquainted with Kofi Annan's global influence. RIP Sec General - https://abcn.ws/2OLEixE
#politics #kofiannan #international #un