Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
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Kiarostami's moving picture continues. A middle aged man & his young son are on the road to Koker, a northern rural town leveled by the devastating earthquake in 1990. It is only revealed later on that the man is a film director who is looking for a child actor who starred in his previous film, Where is Your Friend's Home? As they encounter monstrous traffic jam and many victims of the 'god's will', the line between reality and fiction evaporates. Shot shortly after the real earthquake that took the lives of 50,000, & based on his own experience driving around with his real son, Life and Nothing More... shows resilience of the people amid a horrible disaster. They fidget a TV antenna to watch a World Cup game in ruins. Many of ‘Kiarostami styles’ are present: interior driving shots, wide scenery long takes, no close-ups. Elegantly simple and captivating throughout with an open ending, Life and Nothing More... is a beautiful film.

#abbaskiarostami #iraniancinema #kokertrilogy

Last updated 2 years ago