David Meyer · @dmm
253 followers · 670 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Here's a cool result from the Pigeon Hole Principle/counting argument that is used in Kolmogorov Theory to show there was at least one string of length n that was not compressible. Here we consider all the binary strings of length n.

The result is that the fraction of strings x with |x| = n such that K(x) < n - k does not exceed 1/2^k.

Ok, but why?

Well, we know that 1 + 2 + ... + 2^(n-k) - 1 < 2^(n-k). We saw this in the previous counting argument. However, there are 2^n strings of length n so the fraction of strings of length n that are compressible is

2^(n-k)/2^n =2^(n-k-n) =2^-k

So no more than 1/2^k of the 2^n strings are compressible. This also means that for strings x where |x| = n, K(x) >= |x| + c (c some constant); that is, if K(x) >= |x| then x is not compressible (also called Kolmogorov random). OTOH, most strings of length n aren't compressible. More specifically, the fraction 1-1/2^k of strings aren't compressible. That is, they have K(x) = n + O(log n). Kinda surprising, really.

#maths #math #kolmogorov #machinelearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Paolo Caressa · @paolo_caressa
71 followers · 321 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

On line sul sito di "Prisma" un mio articolo uscito qualche tempo fa, dove cerco di spiegare il legame fra casualità, comprimibilità e contenuto di informazioni in una sequenza di dati (per esempio il ), trovato da negli anni '50.


#kolmogorov #dna

Last updated 1 year ago

sapiens · @sapiens
7 followers · 18 posts · Server universeodon.com

Just revisiting the subject of why Kolmogorov complexity is incomputable. A 'recent' (2020) paper discusses the subject: europepmc.org/article/PMC/PMC7
"Kolmogorov complexity is the length of the ultimately compressed version of a file (i.e., anything which can be put in a computer). Formally, it is the length of a shortest program from which the file can be reconstructed."

#complexity #kolmogorov #entropy #computation #information_theory #randomness

Last updated 2 years ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
141 followers · 635 posts · Server mstdn.social

: In theory, the of a string is defined as the length of the that can generate that string as output.

It provides a way to quantify the information content of a string


#program #shortest #complexity #kolmogorov #Information #didyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

Luis Ferreira · @lmf
40 followers · 77 posts · Server universeodon.com

An interesting and apparently naive question:

Is the Kolmogorov complexity of any string equally low?

No matter what encoding scheme you specify, there will always be, for all n, some string of ≤n bits which requires ≥n bits to encode. This follows inexorably from the pidgeonhole principle.

#complexity #pattern_recognition #kolmogorov #compression #computability

Last updated 2 years ago

Kenneth De Baets · @djbirddanerd
267 followers · 72 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Here we analyze the impact of , , , and style over using diameter as a proxy of Late in their entirety using non-metric and based on distance.


#facies #region #taxonomy #collection #size #distributions #devonian #ammonoids #multidimensional #scaling #permanova #kolmogorov

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcel Fröhlich · @FroehlichMarcel
339 followers · 296 posts · Server sigmoid.social

@FrohlichMarcel Can we use this to make the of a sequence (with a little noise) computable?

#kolmogorov #complexity

Last updated 2 years ago

tc · @cappallo
18 followers · 90 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Is the set of equivalent to the set of strings (of or length) that contain finite , i.e. have a finite ?

#complexity #kolmogorov #information #infinite #finite #functions #computable

Last updated 2 years ago

Honkablonkas · @honkablonkas
2 followers · 8 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I would like to study Real Analysis.
Any suggestions?
I started studying from the Principles Of Mathematical Analysis by in order to move to Real And Complex analysis. From baby to papa, one would say. I am also aware that there exists Introductory Real Analysis by , who I've heard was a great Mathematician. Has anyone studied his book?Any thoughts?Which book would be more preferable to follow?

#realanalysis #mathematics #math #kolmogorov #rudin #book

Last updated 2 years ago