Komfy mini festival. Good vibes. Two outdoor stages. The dub stage opens inside at 21 with Rockers Ark sound system. I'm gonna dub it 23:30-01:00 #dub #Copenhagen #KomfyMiniFestival #SoundSystem
#dub #copenhagen #komfyminifestival #soundsystem
Tomorrow I have the pleasure of live dub mixing on the #RockersArkSoundSystem - one of Copenhagens newest and finest sound systems: https://dukop.dk/en/event/5455/
I'll be dubbing something like 23:30 to 01:00 about the time with the outdoor stages closes - I think we're going to take it into some heavyweight vibes #Komfy #KomfyMiniFestival #LiveDubMixing #SoundSystem #Copenhagen #Bass #Heavyweight #Festival #OddAndEnds
#rockersarksoundsystem #komfy #komfyminifestival #livedubmixing #soundsystem #copenhagen #Bass #heavyweight #festival #oddandends