Nur weil Pornokonsum messbar ist, heißt das nicht, das Gedanken um Pornos kreisen, genauso wenig wie Leute, die Horrorfilme gucken, Menschen abschlachten wollen. Einfach #Reizabfuhr.
Pornos pauschal verdammen ist #puritanischer Quatsch. In meinem Fall wurden mir Fallen gestellt, um mich danach noch besser erpressen zu können mit #Kompromat.
Die letzten 10 Jahre hab ich ausschließlich authentische Beziehungen zu aufgeklärten tiefgründigen Menschen gesucht, nur Sexbots bekommen
#reizabfuhr #puritanischer #kompromat
"Beau is afraid" was hilarious
but the psychoanalytical aspects portrayed were only relevant until around 2011. Samadhi #overlayed any oedipal attachments with direct access to higher blissfull states of consciousness & slowly self corrected.
#Unhealthy porn attachments disappeared together with the styes (Gerstenkörner) in my eyes around 2017. The rest was stress relief & old habits.
Rage & Tourette Tics are a result of #exploitation, discrimination & coerced #kompromat (swimming pool pics).
#overlayed #unhealthy #exploitation #kompromat
TFG said that he "has the apple of Putin's eye". He very well might BE the apple of that murderer's eye because he's done his bidding for more years than we can know.
The pictures taken after their Helsinki meeting nailed that fact home for those who were paying attention. TFG doesn't have Putin's apple, but what does Putin have of TFG's? What did Putin say that created this dead man walking & put that smirk on the dictator's face? It's not pee tapes.
Z okazji udostępnienia transportu video z YT na PeerTube na, podzielę się pradawnym filmikiem, na którym
a) mamy maj 2004 (dlatego 480p)
b) gram metal progresywny (bo maj 2004)
c) klub Progresja mieści się w stołówce (naprawdę)
#kompromat #archiwalia #progmetal @muzykametalowa
#progmetal #archiwalia #kompromat
This is a fascinating interview about #Russia and its global crime syndicate, with @Bellingcat investigator Christo Grozev.
Some interesting insights for Americans about the ‘#HorseshoeCoalition ‘. #Russians pay (or threaten with #Kompromat , which costs money to acquire) for their far-right puppets. But they get #UsefulIdiots on the far-left for free! Even though there is no ‘#socialism ’ in #Russia ! 🤔
#Russia #horseshoecoalition #russians #kompromat #UsefulIdiots #socialism
The real question is why?
Just how much #kompromat does Russia hold over #LadyG
Or is he really just an obsequious little toady who always needs a strong man by his side?
Come out, come out where ever you are!
Sure hope 1 of those GA Indictments has his name on it!
#goptraitors #ladyg #kompromat
Here's #RFK Jr. laser focusing on Fauci & #Pharma #kompromat. He's naming names again & laying out the concise argument that #Fauci is the J. Edgar Hoover of public health.
Cross #Tony & your career goes kaput & go bankrupt! Or to jail like Judy #Mikovitz.
BTW I'm no fan of his delusional #Zionist stance on Israel. Here's to hoping that he gets in contact with someone like Ry #Dawson, Pete #Quinones, Robert #Inlakesh, or Scott #Horton, he needs a history lesson #Israel.
#rfk #pharma #kompromat #fauci #tony #Mikovitz #zionist #dawson #quinones #inlakesh #horton #israel
Might be a good time to remind oneself of @bydonkeys informative wee film about the @conservatives and their friends in Russia. #Kompromat #Treason #ConservativeFriendsOfRussia
#conservativefriendsofrussia #treason #kompromat
Bravo @RepRaskin for the very best description of Trump ever:
As the GOP Revenge Tour against Democrats holding #TFG accountable
But once again I ask:
Are Republicans really protecting him or THEMSELVES
When they sold US out to Russia in 2016, how much #kompromat awaits disclosure that they are so terrified?
#GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #kompromat #TFG
#Kompromat released. Everyone saying “Oh! So that’s why he adopted such a divisive stance.”
Delicious prospect.
If Putin finally falls who will be the most hysterical?
1- #TrumpCrimeFamily
2- #GOPTraitors ( see @LindseyGrahamSC @RandPaul et al)
3- @NRA
4- RW faux-Christian Evangelicals
What happens if he releases all that #Kompromat?
#trumprussiacollusion #kompromat #goptraitors #trumpcrimefamily
@three_star_dave Not quite.
They’re both #PutinPuppets , but I think #TulsiGabbard is actually a #Russian spy, whereas #Kompromat is forcing #RFKjr to ‘dance’ to the tune called by #Putin.
The end result is the same, however.
#putinpuppets #tulsigabbard #russian #kompromat #rfkjr #putin
I can’t imagine the #Kompromat that the #Kremlin must have on #RobertFKennedyJr for him to say the #Russians - who said the #WarInUkraine wasn’t a war, and jailed people who said it was - were the people “acting in good faith”!
#kompromat #Kremlin #robertfkennedyjr #russians #WARINUKRAINE
Someone’s really unhappy with his #PutinPuppets this morning
Maybe we will finally learn what Russia stole from the RNC when they hacked them too in 2016?
Can you say #kompromat
#GOPTraitorsToDemocracy running scared
#trumpforprison #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #kompromat #putinpuppets
Hey, Liddle' Lindsey: If I were you, I wouldn't accept any gifts of aftershave or underwear from my pal Vlad, actually. And it might be a good idea to carry a Geiger counter to check your meals.
Hmmm... I guess this means Vladdy doesn't have any #Kompromat on you. Unlike me. I have the best Kompromat. Believe me.
#LiddleLindsey #LadyG #Novichok #Polonium
#polonium #Novichok #ladyg #liddlelindsey #kompromat
Jeffrey Epstein allegedly tried to extort Bill Gates over extramarital affair #kompromat
From the Wall Street Journal: Before he went to hell, #JeffreyEpstein tried to #blackmail #BillGates using #kompromat about an affair with a woman Gates met through playing Bridge 👉
I’ll give you ONE guess what the nationality of the woman was! 🤔
If you didn’t guess #Russian , you must be a #MAGA moron! 🤷🏻♂️
#jeffreyepstein #blackmail #BillGates #kompromat #russian #MAGA
@stevesilberman The tracks with my theory of how Kanye got roped into this world. It’s a feature, not a bug #kompromat