In the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine, #security perceptions & discourses in Europe have changed considerably. #KonKoop topic line F goes beyond conventional state-centred notions of security & shifts the focus towards regional/local security perception, demands & needs.
#KonKoop topic line E explores the interdependencies of conflict & cooperation in the post-Soviet & post-Yugoslav space, for example the impact of ceasefires & conflict settlement, shifts in geopolitical patronage.
Environmental changes & pol. & socio-ecological transformations in #EasternEurope & #CentralAsia impact access to natural resources. Topic line D of #KonKoop focusses on disputes over resources, as well as collaborative arrangements in regions with high ethnoreligious diversity.
#easterneurope #centralasia #konkoop
How do economic actors & elites channel their interests & activities or try to change distribution conflicts in their favour? Economic dis- & re-entanglement in de-facto states (Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria) is the topic of #KonKoop topic line C.
Today, sovereign states & regions in #EasternEurope still have to deal with the legacies and mindsets of crumbled imperial orders of the last century. #KonKoop topic line A deals with nation-building processes after the Soviet Union, incl. Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Not least Russia’s current full-scale war against Ukraine has shown the need for integrated research on war & conflict as well as cooperation in Eastern Europe after the Cold War. This is why the #KonKoop network aims to understand these dynamics through multiple case studies.
The network is funded by the @bmbf_bund and includes 6 research institutes in Germany: @Leibniz_IfL, IOS Regensburg, @unijena, HNEE, ZZF Potsdam & ZOiS as well as global partners.