However much I love #KonoOtoTomare, the school uniforms that the characters wear nearly breaks my suspension of disbelief.
Seriously, how are these kids not rioting at being forced to wear... those... things.
小倉唯「永遠少年」 | 音楽少女 | オープニング
#anime #konoototomare #Koto #ongakushoujo #PINERECORDS #tenkyuu #Vlog #voiceactress #アイドルアニメ #アニメ #オープニング #キンクリ #キングレコード #この音 #声優 #天泣 #女性声優 #小倉唯 #小倉唯 #小倉唯永遠少年 #永遠少年 #音楽少女 #音樂少女
#anime #konoototomare #koto #ongakushoujo #pinerecords #tenkyuu #vlog #voiceactress #アイドルアニメ #アニメ #オープニング #キンクリ #キングレコード #この音 #声優 #天泣 #女性声優 #小倉唯 #小倉唯永遠少年 #永遠少年 #音楽少女 #音樂少女
I love #KonoOtoTomare so much.
There is not a chapter doesn’t make me tear up because of the kindness and sad pasts turning into warm futures storylines.
I’m so so so weak against stories about misfit kids finding their family in the peers.
List 5 Anime Series/Movies to get to know you.
#ReZeroKaraHajimeruIsekaiSeikatsu (The only isekai anime that matters for me.)
This is hard, as always xD I emitted all the gay stuff. Also Tekketsu no Orphans (cheating) even though I live for that.
#anime #introduction
#natsumeyuujinchou #3gatsunolion #daiyanoa #konoototomare #rezerokarahajimeruisekaiseikatsu #anime #introduction
So, we need a little introduction, right ?
Okay let's go ~
So Marine, 31, assistant librarian, #otaku fangirl for too many years, thanks to my mom.
I read a lot of mangas each week, and I sell my soul for #Haikyuu #FullmetalAlchemist and #KonoOtoTomare
I write some fanfics thread in English, you can find them on Tumblr
Et en français, j'écris des #fanfic sur #Wattpad sur l'univers Haikyû, sans surprise.
Hope you will have fun here ♥
#otaku #haikyuu #fullmetalalchemist #konoototomare #fanfic #wattpad
I would like to follow more #anime & #manga accounts. Some I love (both mediums & non-exhaustive)
#anime #manga #bleach #tokyoghoul #jujutsukaisen #DevilsLine #haikyu #AceOfDiamond #ShokugekiNoSoma #chihayafuru #demonslayer #given #fruitsbasket #Dororo #Barakamon #bungostraydogs #tsurune #konoototomare #TenCount #yurionice #DeathNote