Shadow zapdos in Raids (shiny available) every weekend this sesson. Here are the counters.
Crypto Zapdos in Raids (shiny verfügbar) jedes Wochenende in dieser Saison. Hier sind die Konter.
#shadow #shadowraid #zapdos #crypto #cryptoraid
#pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter
#raidkonter #raidcounter #infographic #infografik
#shadow #shadowraid #zapdos #crypto #cryptoraid #pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter #raidkonter #raidcounter #infographic #infografik
Celesteela counter ... here we go. 9/1-9/8 southern hemnisphere. 9/8-9/16 northern hemnisphere
Katagami Konter... auf geht's.
1.9.-8.9. Nordhalbkugel. 8.9.-16.9. Südhalbkugel.
#celesteelaa #kaguron #counter #konter
#raid #raidkonter #raidcounter
#pokemongo #pokemonfriends #pokemongocommunity
#infographic #infografik
#celesteelaa #kaguron #counter #konter #raid #raidkonter #raidcounter #pokemongo #pokemonfriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Kartana counter ... here we go. 9/1-9/8 northern hemnisphere. 9/8-9/16 southern hemnisphere
Katagami Konter... auf geht's.
1.9.-8.9. Südhalbkugel. 8.9.-16.9. Nordhalbkugel.
#kartana #katagami #counter #konter
#raid #raidkonter #raidcounter
#pokemongo #pokemonfriends #pokemongocommunity
#infographic #infografik
#kartana #katagami #counter #konter #raid #raidkonter #raidcounter #pokemongo #pokemonfriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Mega Rayquaza sunday in raids.
Mega-Rayquaza Sonntag in den Raids.
#megarayquaza #pokemongo #raid #counter #konter #raidcounter #raidkonter #shiny #shinyhunt
#pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#infographic #infografik
#megarayquaza #pokemongo #raid #counter #konter #raidcounter #raidkonter #shiny #shinyhunt #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends #infographic #infografik
Primal groudon will come back and has a raidhour this week.
Proto Groudon wird zurückkommen und hat diese Woche eine Raidstunde
#kyogre #primalgroudon #protogroudon
#pokemongo #shiny
#counter #konter
#infographic #infografik
#kyogre #primalgroudon #protogroudon #pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Primal Kyogre will come back and has a raidhour this week.
Proto Kyogre wird zurückkommen und hat diese Woche eine Raidstunde
#kyogre #primalkyogre #protokyogre
#pokemongo #shiny
#counter #konter
#infographic #infografik
#kyogre #primalkyogre #protokyogre #pokemongo #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity #infographic #infografik
Mega Salamence Raidcounter
Mega-Brutalanda Raidkonter
#megasalamence #megabrutalanda
#raid #counter #konter #shiny #shinyhunt
#pokemongo #pokemongoapp
#infographic #infografik
#megasalamence #megabrutalanda #raid #counter #konter #shiny #shinyhunt #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #infographic #infografik
Yveltal Raidcounter. Start tomorrow.
Yveltal Raidkonter. Startet morgen.
#yveltal #raid #counter #konter
#shiny #shinyhunt
#pokemongo #infographic #infografik
#yveltal #raid #counter #konter #shiny #shinyhunt #pokemongo #infographic #infografik
Cresselia in Raids : start 8/4
Cresselia in den Raids: Start 4.8.
#Cresselia #shin
#raid #counter #konter
#infographic #infografik
#pokemongo #cresselia #shin #raid #counter #konter #infographic #infografik #pokemonart
Mega-Gyarados in Raids : start 8/4
Mega-Garados in Raids: start am 4.8.
#megagyarados #megagarados
#shiny #pokemongo
#counter #konter #infographic #infografik #pokemonart
#megagyarados #megagarados #shiny #pokemongo #counter #konter #infographic #infografik #pokemonart
Mega Tyranitar next week in PokémonGO 7/25-8/4.
Mega-Despotar nächste Woche in PokémonGO 25.7.-4.8.
#counter #infographic #infografik #megatyranitar #megadespotar #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#counter #infographic #infografik #megatyranitar #megadespotar #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Regidrago Next week in PokémonGO 7/25-8/4
Regidrago nächste Woche in PokémonGO 25.7.-4.8.
#counter #infographic #infografik #regidrago #noshiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
#counter #infographic #infografik #regidrago #noshiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity #pokemongofriends
Mega-Blaziken this week in PokémonGO
Mega-Lohgock diese Woche in PokémonGO
#counter #infographic #infografik #megalohgock #lohgock #megablaziken #blaziken #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
#counter #infographic #infografik #megalohgock #lohgock #megablaziken #blaziken #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
Regieleki this week
Regieleki diese Woche
#counter #infographic #infografik #regieleki #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
#counter #infographic #infografik #regieleki #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
Nihilego in raids 15-29 june
Angeo in den Raids 15.-29.6.
#counter #infographic #infografik #anego #Nihilego #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
#counter #infographic #infografik #anego #nihilego #shiny #pokemongo #raid #konter #pokemongocommunity
Mega Sceptile will take place in raids next week.
Mega Gewaldro wird nächste Woche in die Raids kommen.
#megasceptile #megagewaldro
#sceptile #gewaldro #shiny
#raid #counter #konter #pokemongo
#infographic #Infografik
#pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
#megasceptile #megagewaldro #sceptile #gewaldro #shiny #raid #counter #konter #pokemongo #infographic #infografik #pokemongofriends #pokemongocommunity
Shadow articuno in raids.
Crypto Arktos in Raids.
#shadow #articuno #Crypto #arktos
#raid #shiny #counter #konter
#pokemongo #cryptoraid #shadowraid
#infographic #Infografik
#shadow #articuno #crypto #arktos #raid #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongo #cryptoraid #shadowraid #infographic #infografik
Lake trio comes back. 6/1- 6/15
Das Seentrio kommt zurück. 1.6.-15.6.
#laketrio #uxie #mesprit #azelf
#seentrio #selfe #vesprit #tobutz
#raid #shiny #counter #konter
#infographic #Infografik
#laketrio #uxie #mesprit #azelf #seentrio #selfe #vesprit #tobutz #raid #shiny #counter #konter #pokemongo #infographic #infografik
Sorry, seems that 1 attack was missing.
Shadow mewtwo raids 5/ 27+28
First time in shiny
Sorry, scheinbar hat 1 Attacke gefehlt
Crypto Mewtu in den Raids am 27.+28. 5
Erstes Mal in shiny
#shadow #Crypto #mewtwo #mewtu
#raid #konter #counter #pokemongo
#shiny #Infografik #infographic
#shadow #crypto #mewtwo #mewtu #raid #konter #counter #pokemongo #shiny #infografik #infographic
Mega-Scherox vom 2.5.-11.5.
Mega-Scizor from 5/2-5/11
#megascherox #megascizor
#raid #konter #counter
#infografik #infographic
#megascherox #megascizor #raid #konter #counter #infografik #infographic #pokemongo