random trivia from the "running a cloud storage business from a garage" department: 104124 files blocked from public sharing due to reported copyright infringement and similar so far. #KoofrNet
@ponytail just informed me that Koofr.eu has launched their own Vault for user's files!!
We'll try it soon to see how it works!
#security #encryption #opensource #cloudstorage #privacy #koofr #koofrnet
and since we want you to have all the control, the latter thing is open source and free as both free in freedom and in free beer, so you can audit it yourself if you can do a bit of cryptography and coding. https://github.com/koofr/vault
you could even run it yourself locally or host it yourself or you could check that what we serve you from https://vault.koofr.net/ is indeed what you see in the github repo, as described in https://github.com/koofr/vault/blob/main/README.md
the little #KoofrNet garage shop of ours makes a thing. https://app.koofr.net/
so we made another thing to go with the former thing in order to let you encrypt all the data you store with us on your client side. https://vault.koofr.net/
trust is good, control is better!
#koofrnet #client #side #encrypted #cloud #storage
setting concurrency config parameter for a particular service that runs #KoofrNet to 50. go big or go home.