@FakePlasticDunk This qualifies as a #kookmobile!
"A kookmobile is a vehicle plastered with what a normal person — never mind a traffic cop — would likely consider to be an excessive amount of signs, stickers, ropes, flags, and ornaments (and not during holiday season), all intended to advertise the driver's views to the public in the most lurid and convincing way possible. It can be considered a vehicle variant of Haig's Law, where the awfulness of the Kookmobile's appearance is directly proportional to the insanity of its contents and creator."
Feel my pain. And my hilarity. Any favourites? I think mine is 'SPACE IS FAKE'.
#NormalForGlastonbury #Glastonbury #Somerset #England #UK #ConspiracyTheories #AntiScience
And with thanks to @RationalWiki #KookMobile
#normalforglastonbury #glastonbury #somerset #england #uk #conspiracytheories #antiscience #kookmobile