B.C. towns growing recreation-based manufacturing sector | CTV News https://bc.ctvnews.ca/craft-gear-from-here-b-c-towns-growing-recreation-based-manufacturing-sector-1.6434375 “From #Revelstoke to #Fernie, #Golden to #Kimberley, the communities that make up the #Kootenays region of southeast #BC. have long been meccas for wilderness lovers.
Now the mountain towns in this rugged area of the province are seeking to establish themselves as a destination for entrepreneurs, designers and innovators as well.”
#Revelstoke #fernie #golden #kimberley #kootenays #bc #kore
@boris_pohler häufig suche ich den gewünschten ÖRR-Inhalt mit der App #zapp aus Fdroid am Handy und teile den Film über die App #Kore an Kodi. Der spielt den Link dann ab. Sehr bequem und einfach.
#Kore-eda's #Korean #film 'Broker' achieves both a distinct flavour with great Korean cast, and it also continues his core themes and styles from his Japanese oeuvre. Strangers form a family through intensely joyful and intimate moments, psychology and poetry balance each other. Beautiful.
💗🌷 Blessed Ostara and Welcome Back to Our Lady Persephone!
While we know Persephone is the dual Goddess, we often forget that this means Ostara is one of her Holidays. Today marks her return as the Maiden #Kore to bring about the beginning of spring, The #Spring Equinox. This is used as part of the myth that explains the changing of the seasons, where Demeter leaves the Earth barren as she mourns her daughter's absence from Earth.
🪺 #Ostara (Spring Equinox) • She is reborn as the Maiden Goddess to rejoin her mother
🍂 #Mabon (Fall Equinox) • She descends into the Underworld to join Hades
🦇 #Samhain • (Halloween) Her dark coronation as Queen of the Underworld
Today, Mother Goddess Demeter and Our Lady Persephone want us all to stay safe and healthy. This Spring Season feels rough and rushed, so they understand if you can’t celebrate the Return of Spring to your fullest potential-- Instead, they simply ask that you take a moment to allow yourself to truly relax!! 🍵🌺
#kore #spring #ostara #mabon #samhain
🌱🌷 Maiden Persephone Journaling Prompts - #ShadowWork
• What are my greatest fears..?
• What effect do these have on me..?
• What are my passions that I neglect..?
• When have I sought out approval from others..?
• Do I allow someone else to control decisions for me..?
#WritingPrompts #Journaling #Prompts #Persephone #Kore #February
#shadowwork #writingprompts #journaling #prompts #Persephone #kore #february
Need to do a deep dive into the Aventine Triad for when I'm in Rome next. #Ceres (#Demeter), #Liber (#Dionysus) and #Libera (#Kore and/or #Ariadne - it's ok #polytheism allows for multiple readings so both can be true at the same time!) as gods of agriculture but also the Gods of the common working class Plebs is fascinating.
#ceres #demeter #liber #dionysus #libera #kore #ariadne #polytheism
#temple of the #workingclass
The #AventineTriad, #Ceres, #Liber and #Libera, honored in the ancient temple on the #roman #AventineHill
Interesting is the connection within the triad between #Ceres (#Demeter), #Liber (#Dionysos) and #Libera (#Kore/#Persephone or #Ariadne) deities of the earth and the underworld and given the greek myths related.
#temple #workingclass #aventinetriad #ceres #liber #libera #roman #aventinehill #demeter #dionysos #kore #ariadne #polytheism #paganism
🥀 Worshipping Lady #Persephone 🌷
Persephone (#Kore) is the Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld, Wife of #Hades, and Daughter of #Demeter.. and she is still SO much more than that!
I’ve created this thread for myself and in the hopes that it may be helpful to someone else wishing to learn, study, and worship Lady Persephone. 💕
🖤💗 So you want to bring more of Our Lady Persephone's qualities into your life..?
First, recognize that everything you do to nurture your own sensual enjoyment of life will help enlarge the influence of Persephone within most of your personal life! She wants you to remember to stay close to your inner child and to remember who you really are at your core.
💕 Easy Ways to Worship as a #PersephoneDevotee -- I - X
🖤🥀 I • Start by slowing down!
Like Our Lady Persephone herself, take time to stop and smell the flowers! Make it a point to watch a #Sunrise or #Sunset on occasion, even if it means losing a few extra minutes of sleep. She wants you to experience the world with a great big 'WOW' more often!! Allow yourself to soak in #Positive energies whenever you’re able to reach them, there's so much more in life to #Enjoy than you’d think.
💗🌷 II • Persephone blossomed from a naive and innocent young #Child; into a self-confident #Queen almost overnight!
Find a picture of yourself as a young child, place it in a lovely frame, and set it out where you can see it and admire how #Vulnerable and innocent you were then. (I chose a picture on the railroad tracks, back when I still lived in the 'Grafton House' (one of my three childhood homes) Everything felt so much simpler back then, everything felt like… I had so many options open ahead of me, it's crazy to look back and see that now!)
🖤🥀 III • Take time to think about your #Past:
• What were the things you did that felt #Heroic..?
• What once caused you #Embarrassment or #Pain..?
#Write these down and review them frequently and allow yourself to release any #Negative thoughts that you formed against yourself. You may not have felt heroic, but you’ve #Learned so much from the past, and you’ve saved more people than you’d think. Embarrassment, like pain, only lasts so long. You have to remember to be #Kinder to yourself.
💗🌷 IV • Persephone, as Queen of the #Underworld, was known as a #Gracious and welcoming hostess.
Practice really giving your full attention to someone else; listening to them with both your #Heart and an #OpenMind. May it be your child, your partner, or your friend; show them your #Love! I’ve been trying to practice more than I preach, I want people to feel like they can reach out to me and that I’ll be here to listen whenever they actually need me.
🖤🥀 V • Find an open weekend, and leave all your adult responsibilities behind for just a day or two; now it's time to #PLAY!
Don't worry what other people will think, call it a #MentalHealth weekend if it makes you feel better, but whatever you do, just allow yourself to exist! It’s about time we had time with just ourselves, we need to remember how to vibe alone in our own #Energy even occasionally.
💗🌷 VI • Move toward letting go of Old #Resentments.
If you cannot forgive, at least accept with understanding! Let go of the hate for someone who you feel betrayed your #Youthful innocence by forcing you to assume #Adult responsibility before you were ready (Such as my relationship with my bio mother)
🖤🥀 VII • Check that your #Passions and #Attention aren't being divided.
Sometimes you need to channel your energy into fewer and more #Rewarding directions. Visualize what you want to happen and repeat it until your positive thoughts become a #Habit and your #Intentions a reality!
💗🌷 VIII • Work on trusting that it is #Safe to express your feelings even if it means risking hurt.
Let others know how you feel about them, even if it's not something good. Often they too may be looking for someone's blatant #Honesty! Remember, the truest of friends are the honest ones.
🖤🥀 IX • Stay #Young, #Wild, and #Free!
Pick fresh flowers, go to parks, play on swings, and do silly things like whistling while you work. Focus on developing a free #Spirit and enjoy the spontaneous #Pleasures that are so freely available in this life if you know where to look!
💗🖤 X • Surround yourself with Persephone's symbols.
Share her youthful energy by carrying her favorite crystals, dress in her colors, or spray the scents of lavender and vanilla on all your linens. #Embrace Persephone in everything you do to encourage her energies around you!
#Hellenism #Witchcraft #OurLadyPersephone #Goddess #SelfCare #Pagan
#Persephone #kore #hades #demeter #persephonedevotee #sunrise #sunset #positive #enjoy #child #queen #vulnerable #past #heroic #embarrassment #pain #write #negative #learned #kinder #Underworld #gracious #heart #openmind #love #play #mentalhealth #energy #resentments #youthful #adult #passions #attention #rewarding #habit #intentions #safe #honesty #young #wild #free #spirit #pleasures #embrace #hellenism #witchcraft #ourladypersephone #goddess #selfcare #Pagan
🌱🌷 Maiden Persephone Journaling Prompts - #ShadowWork
• What do I want to achieve this year..?
• What makes me feel energetic and vital..?
• How will I spread joy and light in the world..?
• Which areas of my life do I want to reinvigorate..?
#shadowwork #writingprompts #journaling #prompts #Persephone #kore
It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology!
Yet another potential birthday for #Dionysos is 6 January because the pre-Islamic Arabian god #Dushara is associated with Dionysos:
"In the city of Petra [...] they sing the praises of Kore in the Arab tongue, calling her in Arabic Chaamou, that is, Maiden, and #Kore, and him who is born from her, Dusares."
According to Epiphanius of Salamis this takes place on the night of #Epiphany.
#mythology @mythology @antiquidons #GreekMythology @histodons
#DayOfDionysos #dionysos #Dushara #kore #epiphany #mythology #greekmythology
Of all the churches in Athens I resent this one most. Well, a tie maybe, with another one I’ll show you sometime. It squats right where the ancient road still called The Sacred Way leads away from the archeological excavations, preventing you from following exactly the processional route the worshippers of Demeter and Persephone walked from the Acropolis to Eleusis (Elefsina). #SacredWay #Mysteries #Kore #MysteryCult #Dodecatheism #GreekReligion
#sacredway #mysteries #kore #mysterycult #dodecatheism #greekreligion
Of all the churches in Athens I resent this one most. Well, a tie maybe, with another one I’ll show you sometime. It squats right where the ancient road still called The Sacred Way leads away from@the archeological excavations, preventing you from following exactly the processional route the worshippers of Demeter and Persephone walked from the Acropolis to Eleusis (Elefsina). #SacredWay #Mysteries #Kore #MysteryCult #Dodecatheism #GreekReligion
#sacredway #mysteries #kore #mysterycult #dodecatheism #greekreligion
Ich finde die #mediathek Addons für das #Kodi Mediacenter alle nur so mittelmäßig. Eine praktische Alternative bieten die Android Apps #Kore (offizielle Kodi remote APP) und #Zapp (Mediathekview), beide über #FDroid verfügbar. Zapp hat zwar keine Startseite oder Übersicht, aber dafür eine brauchbare Suche für alle Mediathekinhalte der ÖRR Sender. Mit dem Teilen-Button lassen sich dann die Links ganz einfach an das mit Kore verbunde Mediacenter schicken, und dort abspielen.
#fdroid #zapp #kore #kodi #mediathek
As Her stories go, Lady #Persephone once blossomed from a naive and innocent young child called #Kore -- into a self-confident and authoritative Queen of the Underworld almost overnight! 👑
While my 30th Birthday is right around the corner (Dec 26th) I've been thinking a lot about the younger version of myself who fantasized about the type of woman I might be at 30.. and honestly? I think she'd be rather proud of how far we've come (and a little surprised to still be here in the first place lol) and at 15 I'd like to think I would look up to who I am today.
:flowercrown: So in the honor of your own innocence and how far YOU have come -- here is a mini #PersephoneDevotee exercise to harness some of that energy:
• Find a picture of yourself as a young child
• Place it in a lovely frame and set it out where you can see it (if a physical frame isn't available you can leave room on the edges for doodling)
• Every time you see this photo, admire how vulnerable and innocent you were then, and you can use this as a reminder during your #ShadowWork as well!
(I personally chose a picture on the railroad tracks, back when I lived in one of my childhood towns.. Everything felt so much simpler back then, everything felt like… I had so many options open ahead of me, it’s crazy to look back and see that now 🌷 I will have to upload said picture at a later date...)
#shadowwork #persephonedevotee #kore #Persephone
Ein Schnipsel aus #kore ...
Im kalten, Wasser gefüllten Loch strampelt der Gefangene.
Davor steht die Hohepriesterin mit einem langen Stab in der Hand.
Sie lächelt.
Das Lächeln sieht aus als würde sie sich darauf freuen ihn wieder zurück zu stoßen, sollte er tatsächlich versuchen aus dem Loch zu kriechen.
Sein Blick ist unsicher, flackernd.
Wie lange strampelt er jetzt schon um sein Leben? Eine, zwei, drei Stunden oder schon den ganzen Tag? Er ist müde. Seine Beine und Füße beginnen zu krampfen.
Was bleibt ihm anderes übrig als es darauf ankommen zu lassen?
Es bleibt ihm gar nichts anderes übrig.
Er streckt haltsuchend seine Hände aus. Hievt sich auf den Rand des Lochs. Zieht das Bein nach oben. Der Sog des kalten Wassers lässt nach. Hoffnung keimt auf. Da trifft sein Blick den der Hohepriesterin und ihm wird kalt, eiskalt.
So kalt war ihm in der Zeit im Loch nicht gewesen. Sie lächelt. Stößt ihn mit dem Stab zurück ins Wasser.
@ij Mein Tipp für einen HTC wäre von #Shuttle. Offiziell Linuxfreigabe, lüfterlos, 24/7 Zulassung. Als OS #Budgielinux mit Kodi und der #Kore APP als Fernbedienung, sowie Kodi so konfigurieren, das man es im Netzwerk steuern kann. Dann ein #Nextcloud oder #Seafile Client installieren und schon wandern Musik, Bilder und Videos direkt vom Smartphone auf den PC. #Fedora läuft gerade auch sehr gut als Alternative zu #Budgie. Hat eine schöne Oberfläche
#budgie #fedora #seafile #nextcloud #kore #budgielinux #shuttle
#weverse sale? Is it possible? If only they had #kore 😩 #bts #sale https://campaigns.weverseshop.io/blackfriday_2022
Danke, klingt schon einleuchtend. Im Moment läuft kodi auch bei mir extrem auf nem Raspi an nem Monitor. Das Ding ist nur, dass die Steuerung dann über #kore auf dem Handy läuft. Das ist der restlichen Anwendercommunity in der Wohnung zu frickelig. Ne Steuerung über die TV- Fernbedienung wäre schon gut.