Mini Baked Crab-Shaped Cheeseburger flavored snacks (미니꽃게랑 치즈버거맛).
If you guessed the favor without seeing the box, I'd be very impressed, because it reminded me of nothing specific about the flavor of cheeseburgers themselves, more the funk in the stale air of an old fast food restaurant.
Other than the inexplicable choice in shape, these are...fine.
#KoreanSnacks #한식
Chocolate Marshmallow Fondue (초코퐁듀). You won't have a cashier judge you for dipping marshmallows into chocolate if you purchase this at an vendor-free automat. Specifically made for a shame-eating sugar overload. No thanks.
Black Pepper Ice Cream Cone (순후추콘) at CU. This has a mild black pepper bite with a frozen yorgut flavored ice cream. It was surprisingly hard to find, but much requested from followers.
It was OK, but I've had even spicier and more peppery ice cream snacks in Korea before. I'm a big fan of the trend actually.
Roasted Laver Flavored Baked Ring Snack (구운김맛스낵) at supermarkets. These are baked and taste like salted seaweed laver. Good with a beer.
Shrek Sausage (슈렉소시지), found at HomePlus. Oh, my goodness. WTF.
#KoreanSnacks #한식
Creamy Custard Ice Cream (커스터드 콘) at automats. A lightly soft and sweet custard cone. Worth checking out. A repeat purchase already for me.
Sweet Potato Chips (무둑둑 고구마) at Convenience stores. Far inferior to the the standard potato version. Sweet and starchy, but lacks the crisp satisfying crunch. Hard Skip.
Cookie Crumble Cake (쿠키 크럼블) Orion Brand, found in supermarkets.
Soft moist sheet cake topped with a crumbled chocolate cookie layer like that found on a 돼지바. A layer of chocolate on the bottom completes the snack and holds the cake together.
It's so delicate! Heavenly. Highly recommended. Best cake snack I've had in ages.
Tottenham Hotspur Fish and Chips flavored Triangle Kimbap (토트넘 홋스퍼와 피쉬 & 칩스 삼각김밥) at GS25.
Excellent breaded fried fish with extra starchy potato infused rice. Shame this is a World Cup tie in flavor because this is a superior option to the typical pork cutlet style offerings.
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#QatarWorldCup2022 #worldcup2022 #파이팅 #축구 #대한민국 #한식 #koreansnacks
Spicy Roasted Rectums (불막창) at Homeplus supermarket
Back when I still ate meat, 막창 was never my first, second or third choice in late night street food after too many drinks, but this English name is a top tier insult. #Koreansnacks
Welcome, let's enjoy convenience store Korean Snacks, shall we?
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#twittermigration #koreanweird #한식 #koreansnacks #KoreanFood