First Wealday of Rova: #Crabfest (#Korvosa, Varisia)
Enjoy crab boil feasts held all over the city with the return of the crabs from the cooler waters of the Jeggare to their winter habitat in Conqueror's Bay.
#JeggareRiver #Con…
#crabfest #korvosa #jeggareriver #con
31 Arodus 4408 AR: Saint Alika's Birthday (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
A quiet holiday honoring the birth of Saint Alika the Martyr.
#AlikaEpakena #4408AR
#korvosa #varisia #alikaepakena #4408ar
4574 AR: Troglodytes terrorize #Melfesh (#Korvosa, #Varisia)*
A tribe of troglodytes forced out of their home where #Biston now is, tried to settle near Melfesh, unintentionally terrorizing its citizens before being driven out by adventurers.
#melfesh #korvosa #varisia #biston
18 Erastus, 4707 AR: Eando Kline enters the #Acadamae (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
He visited the Sage #Devoren with Sascha Antif-Arah and arranged for wards to be removed from a puzzle box.
#EandoKline #SaschaAntifArah
#acadamae #korvosa #varisia #devoren #eandokline #saschaantifarah
14 Erastus, 4707 AR: Eando Kline and the Sable Company oaths (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
The Company takes orders from the Seneschal of Castle Korvosa. The #SableCompany's entrance oaths include a promise of regicide if the king goes bad.
#korvosa #varisia #sablecompany #eandokline
14 Erastus: Founding Festival (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
An all-night party filled with fireworks and alcohol commemorating the founding of the city.
#4407AR #FoundingFestival
#korvosa #varisia #4407ar #foundingfestival
12 Erastus, 4707 AR: Eando Kline catches up with an old friend (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
Sascha Antif-Arah carefully stitched his shoulder back together while identifying Red Mantis guards #EandoKline had encountered
#RedMantis #SaschaAntifArah
#korvosa #varisia #eandokline #redmantis #saschaantifarah
4690 AR: #Biston Martial Law lifted (#Korvosa, #Varisia)*
King Eodred II pulled troops out after over thirty years of martial law following the attempted separatist revolt by Randas Biston, grandson of the town's founder.
#4690AR #EodredArabasti
#biston #korvosa #varisia #4690ar #eodredarabasti
Jeggare River,
#JeggareRiver #MontlarionJeggare #MindspinMountains #ConquerorsBay #EndrinIsle #Korvosa #Mashkapikki #NarrowsofSaintAlika
#jeggareriver #montlarionjeggare #mindspinmountains #conquerorsbay #endrinisle #korvosa #mashkapikki #narrowsofsaintalika
3 Erastus, 4707 AR: Eando Kline found his thief (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
After searching the city, #EandoKline found one of the thieves near the Avenue of Arms. He gave chase into Old Korvosa.
Harse Market (#Harse, #Korvosa, #Varisia)*
Harse is known for its horse and livestock breeding, and holds a large rodeo at the Harse Market each year to determine Varisia's top riders and animals.
#harse #korvosa #varisia #harsemarket
4331 AR: Birth of Montlarion Jeggare*
Jeggare's contingent of marines, trappers, and scouts explored the Varisian river that now bears his name. He became the second lord magistrate of #Korvosa in #4410AR.
#Jeggare #4331AR
#korvosa #4410ar #jeggare #4331ar
19 Sarenith, 4707 AR: Eando Kline entered #Korvosa (#Varisia)
After following thieves for a week, he encountered honest guardsmen when he arrived in the grandest metropolis in Varisia. #EandoKline
4682 AR: Order of the Nail relocated (#Korvosa, #Varisia)*
One of the original seven orders of Hellknights, the Order of the Nail was coaxed to relocate by Queen #Domina.
#Hellknight #4682AR #OrderoftheNail
#korvosa #varisia #domina #hellknight #4682ar #orderofthenail
4416 AR: Merciless becomes marine command post (#Korvosa)*
The #Merciless was a frigate under the command of Captain Keyra Palin. In #4416AR it became the command post. It was destroyed in Korvosa's Great Fire in #4429AR.
#korvosa #merciless #4416ar #4429ar #keyrapalin
4658 AR: Biston separatists revolt against Korvosa (#Varisia)*
Randas #Biston, the town founder's grandson, lead a revolt to free the town. The Sable Company was sent in, martial law imposed. Rebels were executed in #Korvosa.
#SableCompany #4658AR
#varisia #biston #korvosa #sablecompany #4658ar
Last Sunday, Desnus: Breaching Festival (#Korvosa, #Varisia)
Held since #4544AR, contestants try to break through the magical wards protecting the #Acadamae, a wizard's college specializing in conjuration.
#korvosa #varisia #4544ar #acadamae #breachingfestival