My dear friend, Peter Boylan, who has written profound essays on martial arts as The Budo Bum for decades now, has been interviewed for the latest book in this ongoing series.
In addition to being highly ranked in modern judo and jodo, Peter has been a very serious longtime student of two venerable koryu arts, so his perspective comes from a deep place.
#koryu #budo #MartialArts #JapaneseMartialArts #GendaiBudo #jodo #judo
#koryu #budo #martialarts #japanesemartialarts #gendaibudo #jodo #judo
This is the high level version of some of what I did in my shinsa this weekend:
This is the high level version of some of what I did in my shinsa this weekend:
If you’d like to find out more about Hōzōin-ryū you can read some stuff here:ōzōin-ryū
Or you can ask me and I’ll answer your questions as best I can =]
#koryu #sojutsu #hozoinryu
I’m extremely happy to announce that I have passed my Hōzōin-ryū shinsa. I’ve passed shokyū and can learn the next set of kata =]
I’ve spent a year training with Sakamoto sensei in Toronto, it has been incredibly rewarding and am so excited for what comes next. #koryu #martialarts