The upcoming #koselleck100 inspired many publications on #conceptualhistory, #theoryofhistory and #memorystudies. In tomorrow's celebrations at Bielefeld University among publications by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (#suhrkamp) and Lisa Regazzoni (BiUP), and the KOMPOSITA blog, our editors @sschwandt and Jan Ifversen will introduce the spring issue of #Contributions (18/1). Have a look at the TOC in the forthcoming issue:
#contributions #suhrkamp #memorystudies #theoryofhistory #conceptualhistory #koselleck100
"'Generation' ist in der Forschung bislang kaum als Schlüsselbegriff in Kosellecks Werk in den Blick genommen worden, und das obgleich der Begriff von Koselleck häufig und auf vielfältige Weise verwendet wird."
Benjamin Möckel in ➡ Geschichtstheorie am Werk über den Begriff Generation in Reinhard Kosellecks wissenschaftlichem Werk:
#GeschichtstheorieAmWerk #Koselleck #Geschichtstheorie #histodonsDE #Komposita #Koselleck100
#Geschichtstheorie #histodonsde #komposita #koselleck100 #geschichtstheorieamwerk #koselleck
Anyone who reads Reinhart Koselleck’s texts in German will be aware of two striking features in the ways he uses language: first, a frequent recourse to certain metaphorical expressions, and second, an extensive use of a limited number of rather peculiar words, or, contrariwise, of familiar words in an idiosyncratic way.
At ➡ Geschichtstheorie am Werk, Willibald Steinmetz applies historical semantics to one of its founders: