The new #PC I built last year is now 1 year old. There is a 50" 4K UHD TV on a wire rack at the foot of my bed, which itself is #futon-style, on the floor. Straddling my bed is a low table that functions something like a #kotatsu, and on that are my wireless mouse and keyboard.
The PC sits behind the TV, and is 100% passively cooled with no moving parts, so it is completely silent and will not disturb my sleep, even when I allow it to run all night, running a grinding macro in my favorite game.
Trois astuces low-tech pour lutter contre le froid.
Avec la bonne vieille méthode du kotatsu notamment. Un petit kotatsu version bureau d'ordinateur, c'est pas mal comme idée ! 😁
#froid #hiver #kotatsu #lowtech
Sinceramente no soy de recomendar apps, pero hace unos días me crucé en f-droid con Kotatsu, un lector-catálogo de manga, en donde podés buscar, descargar y leer el material desde la misma app. Me vino excelente ya que empecé a leer a Junji ito.
Si son lectores de manga y amantes del foss, denle una oportunidad.
Partage d'une petite trouvaille bien sympa je cherchais une alternative a l'application Webtoon est je suis tombée par hasard sur #kotatsu qui permet de lire dans une interface beaucoup plus chouette et moderne vos sites de scantrad préfère !
Astuce : vous pouvez ajouter le site de Reaper Scans France en modifiant l'URL de Reaper Scans Indonesia par celui de Reaper Scans France.
Télécharger Kotatsu sur #fdroid :
Huch! Da interessiert man sich für einen #Kotatsu Tisch wie man ihn in japanischen Katzenvideos sieht. Aber wenn man sowas kaufen will, bekommt man nen Schrecken. Die Teile kosten 3.000 - 4.000€ 😳 Selber bauen finde ich etwas zu gefährlich. Warum sind die so teuer? An den Heizgeräten selbst kann es doch nicht liegen, oder? 🙄 #heiztisch #japan #cats
#cats #japan #heiztisch #kotatsu
Pour O-Shôgatsu (période du Nouvel An au Japon entre le 1er et le 3 janvier), j'utilise mes furoshiki de saison achetés chez Moshi Moshi. On retrouve la chaleur d'un kotatsu (table chauffante), un daruma, des jouets japonais traditionnels, une boîte d'Osechi (plat traditionnel du Nouvel An) et le fameux kagami mochi (gâteau du Nouvel An)🎍🎉🎆
#Japon #oshougatsu #furoshiki #kotatsu #osechi #daruma #kagamimochi #日本文化 #お正月 #風呂敷 #こたつ #お節料理 #だるま #鏡餅
#japon #oshougatsu #furoshiki #kotatsu #osechi #daruma #kagamimochi #日本文化 #お正月 #風呂敷 #こたつ #お節料理 #だるま #鏡餅
Discovering the joys of the #kotatsu life.
I'll get out of here when spring comes~ (¯▿¯)
Happy new year!
The other day, Nishi put up a doodle of iruma and one of the house cats in a kotatsu, it inspired this. First drawing of 2023!
#MastoArt #DigitalArt #FanArt #Iruma #Irumakun #Mairuma #Kotatsu #cats
#cats #kotatsu #mairuma #IrumaKun #iruma #FanArt #DigitalArt #MastoArt
My girlfriend's always given me crap for owning a #kotatsu, but when my HVAC crapped out the other day, she got to try it for the first time ever. She just bought herself a wicked comfy zaisu.
Who's buying ridiculous floor-furniture NOW, Laura?! Both of us! That's right!
Experts warnings from France and Germany in the press on electricity grid blackouts
-- Worst case scenario --
Anyway: do you know what a #Kotatsu is! A free illustrated 35 slides #guide I crafted on how to save #heating #energy this winter and especially to learn more about #smart #thermostats if you are interested, but still undecided.
#kotatsu #guide #heating #energy #smart #thermostats
Do you know a#KOTATSU ?
It’s a #Japanesetraditional heating appliance . Most Japanese love this in the winter ❄️
Sitting under #KOTATSU and eating mandarin orange 🍊is kind of Japanese tradition in the☃️
Once you put your feet in KOTATSU,
It’ll so hard to get out because it’s so comfortable 😊
But we may well have to save power this winter in Japan.
I made a #kotatsu ! Now I can keep toasty during the winter without turning on the central heating. That’s the plan anyway…
Just ordered a #kotatsu futon for my chabodai -- thinking I can manage without the electric heater if I have the futon...
It's snowing again here. Maybe that's why I'm drawing lots of winter themed stuff lately, haha. Also I wish kotatsus were a thing here as well and not just japan.
(Drawing was inspired by this cute fanfiction I read recently:
#mastoArt #art #kotatsu #cozy #revueStarlight #mayaKuro #winter #illustration
#illustration #winter #MayaKuro #revuestarlight #cozy #kotatsu #art #MastoArt