Kotlin Discovered: Pattern Matching #Kotlin
You never touched Groovy, nor did you jump on the Scala train. Clojure never attracted you; and you heard about Ceylon long after the language had already died. You are one of those old-fashioned Java folks! But now, after all those years, you want...
SKIE #opensource #KotlinMultiplatform library augmentation of #kotlin exposed to #swift is 💪 https://touchlab.co/skie-demo
#opensource #kotlinmultiplatform #kotlin #Swift
Latest Android Weekly Issue 587 is out!
https://androidweekly.net/issues/issue-587 #AndroidDev #Kotlin
The final episode of my series "Writing Swift-friendly Kotlin Multiplatform APIs" is out. I am talking about flows
#kotlin #swift #AndroidDev #multiplatform
Also, curse you #Kotlin and #Rust for having different syntaxes for range values and confusing the hell out of me! :blobcatreeeeeee:
In Kotlin, `x .. y` includes the upper bound and `x until y` doesn't.
In Rust, `x ..= y` includes the upper bound and `x .. y` doesn't.
Perfect, right? :blobCatGooglyTableFlip:
For the record, I like Rust's range syntax much much better.
But damn if switching from Rust to Kotlin isn't going to introduce a TON of subtle bugs in my code! :blobcatverysad:
hab noch ein paar Übersetzungen und einen Share-Button eingebaut.
Normalerweise wird die Sprache über die Gerätesprache eingestellt, aber mit den Flaggen finde ich es besser.
#indiegamedev #kotlin #androiddev
Android Studio ist aber ganz schön clever.
Ok so
I have a #Kotlin interview tomorrow at 11am
The Udemy course is 30 hours long
playing it at x3 speed using an extension It gets down to 10 hours.
I have 14 hours until the interview.
4 hours of sleep should do it.
Let's go.
#Coroutines are much lighter than #Threads; But why? 🤔
What happens behind the scenes when we launch thousands of Coroutines It is okay but when does with Threads program become laggy or crash? Let's see why. 🌟
#Coroutines #threads #kotlin #java #loom #android #AndroidDev
I'm creating cohort based courses on #AndroidDev #JetpackCompose and #Kotlin #Multiplatform
While I'm finishing up the course outlines, and pricing, I'd like to measure the interest.
Please join this waitlist if you're interested in learning with me.
#AndroidDev #JetpackCompose #kotlin #multiplatform
The next #Hackergarten in #Basel has been scheduled: September 20th! Join us, all details at
#opensource #programming #community #foss #web #mobile #AI #LLM #java #kotlin #python #what-you-like
#what #python #kotlin #java #llm #ai #mobile #web #foss #community #programming #opensource #basel #hackergarten
Leute, wir suchen noch Kolleginnen und Kollegen für die Backend-Entwicklung.
Es handelt sich um ein mittelstd. deutsches Unternehmen, das Produkte im Bereich Energiespeicher entwickelt und produziert.
Konkret geht es um den Aufbau eines (IoT-)Portals, für das wir #rust als führende Sprache einsetzen aber auch #kotlin, wo sinnvoll. Es gibt noch Gestaltungsspielraum.
Home-Office (falls gewünscht) und das Alles ist eh klar.
Für Details bitte eine Privat-Nachricht an mich. :-)
in Kürze auf deutsch, englisch, italienisch, ukrainisch, chinesisch und hindi 🚧 👨🔧
#kotlin #androiddev #math #mathepuzzle
Kotlin Discovered: Variance #Kotlin
You never touched Groovy, nor did you jump on the Scala train. Clojure never attracted you; and you heard about Ceylon long after the language had already died. You are one of those old-fashioned Java folks! But now, after all those years, you want...
Check out Tristan Mahinay's report on the continuing progress of the #JUGPhilippines in Philippines, and join in, there's lots more coming for the developer community for #Java, #Kotlin, and beyond!
#jugphilippines #java #kotlin #foojaytip
It's the next Foojay :foojay: #podcast in Chicago, with @wakingrufus, @mgrygles and @frankdelporte
Learn about #Java and #Kotlin User Groups, from those that started and run them!
#podcast #java #kotlin #foojaytip #jug