Finally spending a little time on the UI for my #kotlin multiplatform app.
It's been a great project for learning #composeui and #KotlinNative so far.
So far it supports: Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Android. iOS support is going to take quite a bit more effort though as it can't share UI like the rest of the platforms do.
#kotlinnative #composeui #kotlin
I've really been enjoying #Kotlin context-receivers so far but sadly they still seem a bit fragile.
While they're somewhat stable on the JVM, it's easy to get into situations where invalid Bytecode is generated when combining them.
Also, they don't seem to be supported on #KotlinNative. Or maybe I'm just a bit too ambitious by combining them with operator overloading ...
Still, they're an absolute game changer so far since they heavily reduce verbosity from your programs and APIs.
It's really strange to work with pointers in #Kotlin - but I have to say that I'm very positively impressed by Kotlin/Native.
My first attempt coding Kotlin Native for Raspberry Pi was a success! 💃
The next step is writing and reading from GPIO.
#kotlin #kotlinnative #raspberrypi #gpio