New #KPLO #Danuri images. The bottom right images were taken with PolCam, a polarimetric frame camera, the rest with LUTI, a push-broom camera
RT @kari2030
다누리, 달에서 임무 수행 이상 無!
📷사진 설명
상단 왼쪽부터 시계방향으로
1. 고해상도카메라로 촬영한 치올콥스키 크레이터 영상
2.고해상도카메라로 촬영한 슈뢰딩거 계곡 영상
3. 편광카메라로 촬영한 비흐만 크레이터 편광 영상
4.고해상도카메라로 촬영한 실라르드 엠 크레이터 영상
The LROC Narrow Angle Camera design ( was modified so that ShadowCam is 200x more sensitive than the NAC. For film photography, this would be the equivalent of increasing from ISO 100 to greater than 12,800 without increasing grain.
First ShadowCam image from orbit reveals the permanently shadowed wall and floor of Shackleton crater #KPLO
First image at lunar South Pole taken by ShadowCam on #KPLO #Danuri. ShadowCam is like the LROC NAC on NASA LRO but can see inside shadows
RT @bwdenev
We can now see inside the permanently shadowed regions at the Moon at better than 2 m/pixel with ShadowCam. The first image (of Shackleton crater) promises many beautiful views to come.
🛰️🌑 Le 28 novembre dernier, la sonde coréenne #Danuri se trouvait environ 489 000 km de la Terre, soit 4 fois la distance sonde/Lune.
Du coup, la Terre et la Lune apparaissent de tailles similaires sous la caméra de #KPLO.
#KPLO #Danuri Earthrise photos!
RT @kari2030
#달 상공에서 #다누리 가 보낸 인증샷📷✨
이 사진은 다누리에 탑재된 고해상도 카메라(LUTI)를 이용해 촬영하였으며, 달 크레이터들과 지구의 모습을 선명하게 확인할 수 있습니다.
📷사진 설명
1)12월 24일 달 상공 344km에서 촬영한 사진
2)12월 28일 달 상공 124km에서 촬영한 사진
RT @coastal8049
#KPLO data on JPL Horizons has been updated. Here's the summary of the tracking data to date.
The spacecraft appears to be switching off prior to lunar occultation now. 🧵⬇️
Today, the Dwingeloo #radiotelescoop observed the Lunar orbiter #KPLO while it was transmitting ranging tones. IQ at
#KPLO #Danuri successfully in lunar mission orbit! Announcement video (Korean):
RT @coastal8049
Preliminary analysis of the #KPLO LOI4 burn outcome. The measured orbital period is ~7120s which results in a semi-major axis of ~1847km and an average altitude above the Moon of ~108.5km which is consistent with stated objectives.
One more minor burn appears planned for 28th.
RT @coastal8049
#KPLO LOI2 burn appears to be successful! Great signal from spacecraft and Doppler tracking within 0.5m/s line of sight range rate. The controllers appear to have the burns calibrated well now!
#KPLO LOI2 burn appears to be successful! Great signal from spacecraft and Doppler tracking within 0.5m/s line of sight range rate. The controllers appear to have the burns calibrated well now!