2018-01-04T08:04:16+00:00: RT @timgostony: Impact of the patch for the Intel bug on my AWS EC2 instances running Linux, a t1.micro and m3.medium. #KPTI https://t.co/n…
To check whether #KPTI is enabled on #Linux, but note that it can also be silently disabled for #Xen guests (so, do not wonder why the line is missing): https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/176624/how-do-i-check-if-kpti-is-enabled-on-linux/177470#177470
RT @lavados@twitter.com
Hello #Firefox, this is #Meltdown.
And these are your passwords.
Figures from the #Meltdown paper - see https://meltdownattack.com/ and https://meltdownattack.com/meltdown.pdf
/cc @misc0110 @mlqxyz @yuvalyarom @stefanmangard #kpti #kaiser #intelbug
#firefox #meltdown #kpti #kaiser #intelbug
On m'a offert "The Private Eye" pour Noël.
"L'histoire se déroule en 2076 : après la révélation publique de l'ensemble des données contenues dans le « cloud », l'ensemble des habitants de la Terre cherche à cacher son identité en portant des masques. "
Bah voilà. le cloud a implosé !
#KPTI #Spectre #Meltdown #MeltdownAttack #IntelGate https://framapiaf.org/media/Kg7Xuz932W_SdVa4Cy8
#kpti #spectre #meltdown #meltdownattack #intelgate
Intel repsonds to security research findings: https://newsroom.intel.com/news/intel-responds-to-security-research-findings/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
This seems to be a PoC for the Intel KPTI bug: https://gist.github.com/dougallj/f9ffd7e37db35ee953729491cfb71392
I haven't verified it as it looks like it's targeting macOS. I might toy around with it in #FreeBSD tonight.
Intel KPTI bug PoC: https://twitter.com/brainsmoke/status/948561799875502080
No source for the PoC, yet.