☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1246 followers · 20325 posts · Server todon.nl

"The 1st of July a new squatting law will go into effect, making squatting harder and harder for those in need of housing or wanting to express their political opinion on housing.

The law will make it so squats can be evicted and possibly criminally prosecuted within 3 days. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS!

It is even against European Housing Law, and even the police have said this is not viable.

That's why we will be protesting against this law to stop it or make sure it wont be used. We hope to see you 17:00 on the 1st of July at the Malieveld, The Hague!"

(source: tweets.todon.eu/kraakprotest/s)

#malieveld #thehague #denhaag #Anarchism #squatting #Anarchisme #wooncrisis #kraakwet #kraken

Last updated 2 years ago