"This whole system was set up this way partly for quickness, and partly because even if most of the rest of Detachment 69 wasn't quite as dissolute as Javier Delgado, there weren't too many people on the team who you could count on not to commit some kind of protocol atrocity when they were talking to someone outside of the [Fearless] Freaks' family. And ten times that if we're talking about the President here."
#coldwar #seamonsters #krakenbusters
Episode 4 of season 2 of The Kraken Busters is out: https://www.thekrakenbusters.com/podcast/204-decisions/
This kind of intricate naval and political history isn't my usual podcast fare, but I adore this. Keith Pille's writing and narration is brilliant.
Looking forward to telling everyone "I told you so!" when Netflix or Amazon picks this up for a big-budget adaptation.
#coldwar #seamonsters #krakenbusters
Heck yeah, Kraken Busters season 2 coming in January: https://www.thekrakenbusters.com/podcast/021-announcing-kraken-busters-season-2/ #KrakenBusters #GiantSquid #Podcast #History #TrueStory
#truestory #history #podcast #giantsquid #krakenbusters