Hölmöläisten hommaa #THL #Krar
Rokotteet laitettava HETI jakoon 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
#Koronarokotukset #Sote 👽#Hyvinvointialueet #Työterveys #Helsinki #Kansanterveys #Korona #Koronapandemia #Omikron
#Omikron #koronapandemia #korona #kansanterveys #helsinki #tyoterveys #hyvinvointialueet #sote #koronarokotukset #krar #thl
From a trip I took shortly before COVID grounded me.
Krakus Mound is a tumulus on the south side of Krakow from which artifacts have been exhumed that date to between 8th and 10th Century CE. Origin theories vary, however, going as far back as 2nd - 1st Century BCE Celts.
Storied grave of Krak, said to have killed a dragon by feeding it a sheep filled with sulfur to go from cobbler to legendary king of the Poles. Aligns with the sunrise over Wanda Mound on Beltane.
Uhuru – Puntata 108 – 03 07 20 https://wombat.noblogs.org/2020/07/06/uhuru-puntata-108-03-07-20/ #FrontediLiberazione #deforestazione #manifestazioni #ciclofficina #colonialismo #solidarietà #pianobar #Tanzania #Eritrea #Etiopia #scontri #Asmara #egitto #Uganda #Uhuru #Gabon #gaeda #Sudan #Diga #EPLF #jazz #krar #LGBT #Nilo
#FrontediLiberazione #deforestazione #manifestazioni #ciclofficina #colonialismo #solidarietà #pianobar #tanzania #eritrea #etiopia #scontri #asmara #egitto #uganda #uhuru #gabon #gaeda #sudan #diga #EPLF #jazz #krar #lgbt #nilo