I know when you are sleeping and I know when you’re wake because you’re ATP needs change dramatically and cause me to work harder. #KrebsCycleGang #science #loveislove
#krebscyclegang #science #loveislove
You’ve heard of elf on a shelf but have you heard that mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell? #KrebsCycleGang #grind #ScienceBased
#krebscyclegang #grind #sciencebased
The #birdsite is powered by fear and hate. Your cells are powered by me and whatever you ate last night. #KrebsCycleGang #science #grind
#birdsite #krebscyclegang #science #grind
I'd like to apologize for what I said last night about the aerobic respirators. Lactic Acid fermentation is a valid bioenergetic metabolic process and deserves to be respected, and there is no place for discrimination. #science #KrebsCycleGang #grind #DogecoinToTheMoon
#science #krebscyclegang #grind #DogecoinToTheMoon
Decentralized social media is nice but decentralized bioenergetics is better. #KrebsCycleGang #science #Grind #DogecoinToTheMoon
#krebscyclegang #science #grind #DogecoinToTheMoon
I love you regardless of your religion! As long as you don’t worship those filthy aerobic respirators. #KrebsCycleGang #science #grind #DogecoinToTheMoon
#krebscyclegang #science #grind #DogecoinToTheMoon