🇷🇺🇺🇸 Le Kremlin accuse Washington d’être derrière l’attaque présumée de drones 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #GuerreEnUkraine #KremlinDrones #KremlinStrike #KremlinDroneAttack #KremlinDroneStrike #Russie #USA
#revuedepresse #GuerreEnUkraine #kremlindrones #kremlinstrike #kremlindroneattack #kremlindronestrike #russie #usa
Why the #Kremlin may have staged a false flag drone attack on itself — ISW #kremlindroneattack #falseflag https://english.nv.ua/nation/why-the-kremlin-may-have-staged-a-false-flag-drone-attack-on-itself-isw-50322130.html
#kremlin #kremlindroneattack #falseflag
RT from patrick blower (@blowercartoons)
Telegraph cartoon 4.5.23 #KremlinDroneAttack #KremlinDroneStrike
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/blowercartoons/status/1654089552531709952
#kremlindroneattack #kremlindronestrike
Im kleinen Тиммы (9) schlummert gewaltiges Konfliktpotential.
#kleinerТиммы #Kreml #KremlinDroneAttack #DerPostillon #Satire
#kleinerтиммы #kreml #kremlindroneattack #derpostillon #satire
🇫🇷🇪🇺 Attaque de drone sur le Kremlin : « Cet épisode est étrange », déclare Catherine Colonna 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #France #CatherineColonna #gouvernement #GuerreEnUkraine #Kremlin #KremlinDroneAttack #KremlinAttack #KremlinStrike
#revuedepresse #france #CatherineColonna #gouvernement #GuerreEnUkraine #kremlin #kremlindroneattack #kremlinattack #kremlinstrike
#KremlinDroneAttack: #Russia's Medvedev calls for 'elimination' of #Zelenskyy after drone attack
#Zelenskyy denied that #Kyiv was behind the incident, which the #Kremlin said was an attempt on President #VladimirPutin's life but did not result in any casualties.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653816507942715392 #press
#kremlindroneattack #russia #zelenskyy #kyiv #kremlin #vladimirputin #press
#UkraineRussiaWar️ #KremlinDroneAttack
#Kremlin drone attack: What we know http://toi.in/j-aB0Y/a24gk #press
#ukrainerussiawar #kremlindroneattack #kremlin #press
We are not attacking Putin or Moscow, we are fighting on our territory, defending our villages and cities. We don't have enough weapons even for this... We didn't attack Putin, we'll leave it to the international tribunal, - President Zelensky on #KremlinDroneAttack