In 2018, I read and reviewed a novelisation of #AgathaChristie's disappearance written by Australian author #KristelThornell, On the Blue Train (Allen & Unwin 2016).
While I'm not a big Agatha fan, I knew the real-life outcome. However, as the novel neared the end of her final days sheltering under an assumed name at Harrogate, I willed the fictional Agatha to choose a different path.
And as I commented in the review: "Allowing the reader to suspend disbelief is surely the gift of a good book." 📖
PS. I've bought a copy of the biography mentioned in the ABC article, A Very Elusive Woman, written by #LucyWorsley, for my Agatha fan wife for Xmas.
#lucyworsley #agathachristie #kristelthornell #books #reviews