Sick of Myself (2022)
Le réalisateur nous dresse un miroir de notre société, celle du diktat de la beauté et du paraître.
#SickOfMyself #KristofferBorgli #KristineKujathThorp #Film #Cinema
#sickofmyself #kristofferborgli #kristinekujaththorp #film #cinema
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: In 'Sick of Myself,' a Young Woman Disfigures Herself to Get Attention #Jezebel #theworstpersonintheworld #entertainment2cculture #thomaseiriksc3a6ther #kristinekujaththorp #kristofferborgli #joachimtrier #givennames #lidexol #women #signe #zer
#jezebel #theworstpersonintheworld #entertainment2cculture #thomaseiriksc3a6ther #kristinekujaththorp #kristofferborgli #joachimtrier #givennames #lidexol #women #signe #zer
El próximo 10 de marzo #AdsoFilms estrenará en cines #SickOfMyself, dirigida por #KristofferBorgli y protagonizada por #KristineKujathThorp y #EirikSæther, después de pasar por varios festivales de cine como el #FestivalDeCannes o #Seminci.
#adsofilms #sickofmyself #kristofferborgli #kristinekujaththorp #eiriksæther #festivaldecannes #seminci