Today in Labor History July 18, 1934: “The American Mercury” accepted Emma Goldman's article, "Communism: Bolshevist & Anarchist, A Comparison.” However, it was not until a year later that it was published, in a truncated form, as "There is No Communism in Russia."
Goldman had been deported by the U.S. in 1919, during the Palmer raids, and sent to Russia, where she lived with her comrade, Alexander Berkman, for several years. She was initially supportive of the Bolsheviks, until Trotsky brutally crushed the Kronstadt rebellion, in 1921, slaughtering over 1,000 sailors and then executing over a thousand more. After this, she left the USSR and, in 1923, published a book about her experiences, “My Disillusionment in Russia.”
H.L. Menken founded “The American Mercury,” in 1924, and published radical writers throughout the 1920s and ‘30s. A change of ownership in the 1940s led to a shift to the far right, including virulently antisemitic articles.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #EmmaGoldman #russia #soviet #ussr #communism #kronstadt #rebellion #massacre #writer #author #journalism #magazine @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #EmmaGoldman #russia #soviet #ussr #communism #kronstadt #rebellion #massacre #writer #author #journalism #magazine
Today in Labor History July 8, 1898: May Picqueray was born. She was a French anarchist, trade unionist and pacifist, who published the pacifist, anti-militarist periodical Le Réfractaire from 1974 to 1983. In 1921, in response to the silence of the French press on the convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti, she sent a parcel bomb containing a defensive grenade and leaflets to the American embassy. Her efforts helped mobilize French journalists, without harming any people and only causing damage to material. In 1922, as a delegate of the Metalworkers union, she visited Moscow, where she climbed on a table full of Red Trade Union officials to denounce their having a luxurious banquet while the common people starved. She refused to shake hands with Trotsky because of his responsibility for crushing the Kronstadt rebellion, and his betrayal of Nestor Makhno. During the Spanish Civil War, she helped transport orphans out of the country. During World War II, she help people escape French concentration camps. She also was a participant in the French uprising of May 1968, participated in anti-nuclear campaigns and supported war resisters.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #MayPicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #CivilWar #ConcentrationCamp #union #organizer #feminism #Kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #maypicqueray #pacifism #antiwar #civilwar #concentrationcamp #union #organizer #feminism #kronstadt #antinuke #NestorMakhno #trotsky #SaccoAndVanzetti
ai, hashtags 😅
#Girona #Gironés #Catalunya #Llibres #Firadellibre #TrobadadelLlibre
#Feriadellibro #Cultura #editorials #Libros #Anarquisme #GuerraCivil #TransicióEcosocial #Anarquismo #Anarquia #Traficates #DolorsMarin #Kronstadt #Rap #HipHop #colonialidad #colonialisme #colonialismo #AteneuSalvadoraCatà #CSO #KanKolmo #FilalAgulla #TeixirComunitats #Pollenedicions
#Zauria(k) #Feminismo #Feminisme
@viruseditorial @DescontrolEditorial @Traficantes_Ed
#feminisme #feminismo #zauria #pablocarmona #pollenedicions #teixircomunitats #filalagulla #kankolmo #cso #ateneusalvadoracata #colonialismo #colonialisme #colonialidad #hiphop #rap #kronstadt #dolorsmarin #traficates #anarquia #anarquismo #transicioecosocial #guerracivil #anarquisme #libros #Editorials #cultura #feriadellibro #trobadadelllibre #firadellibre #llibres #catalunya #girones #girona
Today in Labor History March 7, 1921: Select forces of the Red Army (commanded by Leon Trotsky) opened fire on the rebellious sailors, soldiers and workers of Kronstadt. The left-wing rebellion against the Bolshevik government began on March 1, and continued until March 18. Bolshevik government forces killed over 1,000 Kronstadt rebels in battle, and executed another 2,100 in the aftermath. As many as 1,400 government troops died in their attempt to quash the rebellion. The rebels were demanding that soviet councils include anarchists and left socialists, the restoration of civil rights for workers, and economic freedom for workers and peasants.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #kronstadt #rebellion #ussr #soviet #massacre #rebels #anarchism #socialism #communism #bolshevik
#workingclass #LaborHistory #kronstadt #rebellion #ussr #soviet #massacre #rebels #anarchism #socialism #communism #bolshevik
Never forget the Kronstadt rebellion!
#KronstadtRebellion #kronstadtuprising #kronstadt
#KronstadtRebellion #kronstadtuprising #kronstadt
Today in Labor History March 1, 1921: Anarchist and leftwing communist soldiers and sailors rose up against the Russian Bolsheviks in the Kronstadt uprising. The rebellion, which lasted until March 16, was the last major revolt against the Bolsheviks. It began when they sent delegates to Petrograd in solidarity with strikes going on in that city, and demanded the restoration of civil rights for workers, economic and political freedom for workers and peasants, including free speech, and that soviet councils include anarchists and left socialists. The Bolshevik forces, directed by Trotsky, killed over 1,000 Kronstadt rebels in battle, and executed another 2,100 in the aftermath. As many as 1,400 government troops died in their attempt to quash the rebellion.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #communism #ussr #soviet #kronstadt #rebellion #uprising #revolt #slaughter #massacre #bolshevik #FreeSpeech #solidarity #strike
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #communism #ussr #soviet #kronstadt #rebellion #uprising #revolt #slaughter #massacre #bolshevik #freespeech #solidarity #strike
Le 28 février 1921 débute la "Revolte des marins de Kronstadt" contre la dictature bolchévique.
Ils seront massacrés deux semaines plus tard par l'Armée rouge, sur ordre de Trotsky.
Emma Goldmann: "Trotsky proteste beaucoup trop"
#kronstadt #trotsky #emmagoldmann
@KK0000000000 @FOxyShelby let see, #Lenin didn't like the #Marxist who held #Kronstadt so he gave the green light to eliminate them 1921 and that was the end of #communism but not the end of #RedTerror
The Marxism-Leninism is just the extension of the russian fascism (russoficatoin) from the 1880's just under a red flag and claim of socialism and those #Stalin was happy to join #Hitler and start the second world war.
#lenin #marxist #kronstadt #communism #redterror #stalin #hitler
O que queriam os Marinheiros de Kronstadt quando da Revolta de Kronstadt contra a "comissiocracia" bolchevique de 1921, na Terceira Revolução Russa?
Difundimos a primeira parte da "Resolução dos Marinheiros de Kronstadt", de 1921 - que se tornaria também o Programa da Revolta de Kronstadt:
#anarquismo #anarquismo #historia #revolucao #kronstadt #history #marinheiros
#idamett #revolta #anarchism
#anarquismo #historia #revolucao #kronstadt #history #marinheiros #IdaMett #revolta #anarchism
O que queriam os Marinheiros de Kronstadt quando da Revolta de Kronstadt contra a "comissiocracia" bolchevique de 1921, na Terceira Revolução Russa?
Difundimos a primeira parte da "Resolução dos Marinheiros de Kronstadt", de 1921 - que se tornaria também o Programa da Revolta de Kronstadt:
#anarquismo #anarchist #comuna #kronstadt #revolta #history #história # anarquista #anarchism #anarchiste
#anarquismo #Anarchist #comuna #kronstadt #revolta #history #historia #anarchism #anarchiste
📖 "La revolución desconocida: 1917-1921" de #Volin
Esta es la historia de la represión a los movimientos anarquistas y a los revolucionarios «disidentes»: la historia de los marineros de #Kronstadt y del ejército insurreccional de #Ucrania.
📖 "La revolución desconocida: 1917-1921" de #Volin
Esta es la historia de la represión a los movimientos anarquistas y a los revolucionarios «disidentes»: la historia de los marineros de #Kronstadt y del ejército insurreccional de #ucrania
"Site international de 7846 #affiches #anarchistes" Classées entre autres par texte, lieu, éditeur, date, et... #symboles !
#♀ #Ⓐ 🌅 #barbelés ; barreaux de #prison ; #bombinette ; #chaines ; #Charlot & #TheKid ; chat noir ; croix noire ; #CRS-1968 ; drapeau #AIT devant globe terrestre ; #⚑ #⚐ #★ ; femme cerclée ; flèche cerclée #⚡ ; fond soleil rayonnant ; fusil brisé ; #Gipfelsturmi ; #Hercule terrassant le #LiondeNémée ; mains reliées (#fora, #cnt #cgt, …) ; Marche des journaliers (Italie) #🔈#milicien au #drapeau et au #fusil ; #milicienne au drapeau tendu par la main ; #militant arrêté souriant (1905 ?) ; #mouton ; panneau de signalisation routière #☠ ; #Père Peinard ; poing & arbre/racines / The hand that will rule the world ; #poing levé #🌹#sabot + #sabotage #🙈🙉🙊 #☼ #NucléaireNonMerci ; textes sortant d’une bouche ; #usine ; #Kronstadt #☭ ; #Franco ; #Lénine ; #Marx; pape(s) ; pyramide sociale ; trios (justice/armée/Église ; etc.), quatuors… ; urne électorale ; bande dessinée ; #JointheOneBigUnion ; #Léguman ; #Mafalda ; poisson & poissons ; #RosietheRiveter : #Rosielariveteuse ; clef ; #NiDieuNiMaitre ; #PersonneNEstIllégal / Aucun être humain n’est illégal
#Ficedl #spip
#spip #Ficedl #PersonneNestIllégal #nidieunimaitre #Rosielariveteuse #rosietheriveter #mafalda #Léguman #JointheOneBigUnion #marx #lénine #franco #kronstadt #usine #nucléairenonmerci #sabotage #sabot #poing #père #mouton #militant #milicienne #fusil #drapeau #milicien #cgt #cnt #fora #LiondeNémée #hercule #Gipfelsturmi #ait #crs #theKid #charlot #chaines #bombinette #prison #barbelés #ⓐ #symboles #anarchistes #affiches
È stato tutto inutile? Il valore delle battaglie perse in Valerio Evangelisti #1849.Iguerrieridellalibertà #ilsoledell'avvenire #ValerioEvangelisti #ComunediParigi #Metallourlante #LucaCangianti #Rivoluzione #Interventi #Antracite #BlackFlag #Kronstadt #Magister
#Magister #kronstadt #blackflag #Antracite #interventi #rivoluzione #lucacangianti #Metallourlante #comunediparigi #valerioevangelisti #ilsoledell
Kronstadt – Quai De L'Ouest
Segell: Une Vie Pour Rien ? – UVPRV LXII, Une Vie Pour Rien ? – UVPRV62, Destructure Records – D84, Lada – LADA-016, Senseless Acts Of Anger – SAOA-18
Format: Vinil, LP, Album
País: França
Edició: Juny 15, 2021
Gènere: Rock
Estil: Punk
#UnDiscAlDia #kronstadt #punk #coldwave
Il “tesoro” dell’Internazionale Situazionista e i suoi eredi #internationalesituationniste #ScandalodiStrasburgo #ComunediParigi #Psicogeografia #RaulVaneigem #avanguardie #urbanistica #Interventi #modernismo #AsgerJorn #GuyDebord #Kronstadt #Novecento #Utopia
#utopia #novecento #kronstadt #guydebord #AsgerJorn #modernismo #interventi #urbanistica #avanguardie #RaulVaneigem #psicogeografia #comunediparigi #ScandalodiStrasburgo #InternationaleSituationniste
#Lire - Smith, « #Petrograd rouge »
Publié en 1983, ce #livre n’est pas une nouveauté éditoriale ! Il n’en mérite pas moins le détour, surtout cette année, où l’on célèbre les cent ans de la #révolte de #Kronstadt. On repart en #Russie donc, juste après la révolution de Février. Et on plonge en plein cœur des usines, au plus près des ouvriers et des ouvrières :
#al #média #presse #journal #alternativelibertaire #russie #kronstadt #révolte #livre #petrograd #lire
Quelques ouvrages de la #bibliothèque associative de Malakoff, sur l'insurrection de #Kronstadt en mars 1921
#bibliothèque #kronstadt #livres
Non dimentichiamo
:anarchistflagblack: :ancom: :ancomheart: :antifa: :anarchiststar: :anarchism: :_anarchia: :anarchiststar: :ancomheart: :ancom: