Mantra by Shelter.

A wee 90's nostalgia trip through Noisy Mothers episodes on YouTube got me back onto some of Krushers recommendations before he tossed his handful out into the Kosmos!

Here are my latest purchases 😮😛

#rockmastodon #krusher #noisymothers #mantra #shelter

Last updated 2 years ago

Death To Traitors by Paw.

A wee 90's nostalgia trip through Noisy Mothers episodes on YouTube got me back onto some of Krushers recommendations before he tossed his handful out into the Kosmos!

Here are my latest purchases 😮😛

#rockmastodon #krusher #noisymothers #deathtotraitors #paw

Last updated 2 years ago

Defekt by Oomph!

A wee 90's nostalgia trip through Noisy Mothers episodes on YouTube got me back onto some of Krushers recommendations before he tossed his handful out into the Kosmos!

Here are my latest purchases 😮😛


#metalmastodon #noisymothers #krusher #defekt #oomph

Last updated 2 years ago

How To Make Friends And Influence People by Terrorvision.

A wee 90's nostalgia trip through Noisy Mothers episodes on YouTube got me back onto some of Krushers recommendations before he tossed his handful out into the Kosmos!

Here are my latest purchases 😮😛

#rockmastodon #krusher #noisymothers #terrorvision

Last updated 2 years ago