Irene Jacob in Three Colors: Red (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1994) #Red #ThreeColorsTrilogy #ThreeColors:Red #Krzysztof Kieślowski #IreneJacob #TCMParty #film #movie #cinema #films #movies
#Movies #films #cinema #movie #Film #TCMParty #irenejacob #krzysztof #threecolors #threecolorstrilogy #red
Three Colors: Blue: Julie (Juliette Binoche) is haunted by her grief after living through a tragic auto wreck that claimed the life of her composer husband and young daughter. Her initial reaction is to withdraw from her relationships, lock herself in her apartment and suppress her pain. But avoiding human interactions
#JulietteBinoche #CriterionCollection #CriterionChannel #ThreeColorsBlue
#Krzysztof Kieślowski
#juliettebinoche #criterioncollection #criterionchannel #threecolorsblue #krzysztof
Three Colors: Red: Part-time model Valentine (Irène Jacob) meets a retired judge (Jean-Louis Trintignant) who lives in her neighborhood after she runs over his dog.
#IreneJacob #JeanLouisTrintignant #Krzysztof Kieslowski #CriterionCollection #CriterionChannel
#irenejacob #jeanlouistrintignant #krzysztof #criterioncollection #criterionchannel