If you're a #KS2 #History teacher listen up! There's a free webinar on the #StaffordshireHoard next month courtesy of Cotswold Archaeology. Tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/56btp22e
#ks2 #history #staffordshirehoard
Hello Mastodon, specifically #edutooters and #EduToot generally. For the end of the year I was hoping to unwind with some #French cartoons for me KS2 groups. Do any linguists out there know of any really simple French Language ones I can have a look at?
Also, Joyeux Quatorze Juillet to you all.
#quatorzejulliet #eduk #ks2 #french #edutoot #edutooters
If its a "mixed" team should we assume half the spaces should be proactively filled by girls? The #FA are talking about equal access by 2024, but where is the guidance?
#primary school
#fa #womensfootball #girlsfootball #primary #ks2 #equality #letgirlsplay
Pigging backing on this discussion as I'm struggling to find resources on encouraging equal access to teams in primary schools. There's lots of talk on all the big websites and corporate sponsorship strategies from #Disney and #weetabix but very few resources one can take to a #headteacher to ask for fairer access.
#disney #weetabix #Headteacher #womensfootball #girlsfootball #primary #ks2 #equality
Another lovely school visit today. I've changed the way I tell stories in schools since COVID. children find it harder to settle and focus. If I do lots of high energy joining in they tend to go wild like a pot boiling over... so I'm doing lower energy thoughtful gentle stories which carry them away in dreams. when I do this, the children's focus and concentration is phenomenal. #storytelling #ks1 #ks2 #storiesinschools
#storytelling #ks1 #ks2 #storiesinschools
@booktrust Tagging with some hashtags for more visibility
#EYFS #FoundationStage #KS1 #KS2 #EduTooter #EarlyYears #Teaching #Teacher #PrimaryTeacher
#eyfs #foundationstage #ks1 #ks2 #edutooter #earlyyears #teaching #teacher #primaryteacher
Blackbeard's Treasure - my new historical fiction novel for #KS2 (Harry Potter reading age) is out tomorrow! It is @blackwells children's book of the month. Order it at Blackwells (or your fav bookshop).
☠️ tinyurl.com/3y8ymp78 (Blackwell's link)
30% off The Unstoppable Letty Pegg and Billie Swift Takes Flight in the Bloomsbury #xmassale. If you like punch ups and horse poo pick letty and if you like explosions and spies pick Billie. they are harry potter age range, both historically accurate #historicalfiction #ks2 https://bit.ly/3X8NUpW
#xmassale #historicalfiction #ks2
Who can point me in the direction of specific guidance on how to use speech punctuation.
I’m not talking about inverted commas around direct speech, but the use of punctuation at the end of speech or to split from the reporting clause.
Every place I look has different rules! #invertedcommas #speech #punctuation #ks2
#primaryenglish #ks2 #punctuation #speech #invertedcommas
There's a #KS2 #AncientGreece game on #BBCBitesize:
#ks2 #ancientgreece #bbcbitesize