@prahou @ParadeGrotesque
here's #netbsd 's. #ksh #kornshell #cvsweb
#netbsd #ksh #kornshell #cvsweb
@prahou @ParadeGrotesque
So this looks the same as netbsd's? I don't keep netbsd's src on hand, I will check in a moment
#openbsd #ksh #kornShell #TheReturnOfKorn #cvsweb
Edit: At least the fact that it's not in ports suggests it's not a port, right.
#cvsweb #openbsd #ksh #kornshell #thereturnofkorn
How can I determine the prematch and postmatch using egrep or ksh under linux #commandline #textprocessing #grep #ksh
#commandline #textprocessing #grep #ksh
@b0rk I still learn things after 20+ years and I always pick up new things when I am reading something (man pages, articles) idly rather than looking for a solution to a specific problem.
So well-written/fun documentation I would say?
I only started using CDPATH in #ksh this week. By accident.
I’m wondering why #openbsd not provide implementation for LESS_TERMCAP_xx environment variables, which I use mostly to colorize man pages? I’ve checked binary with strings and don’t see that. Less in #sdf #NetBSD has it and as I remember #FreeBSD also, so what is the reason. Of course I can always get most, but I prefer to stay with base tools (that’s why use #ksh in BSD).
#openbsd #sdf #netbsd #freebsd #ksh
Jócskán visszaesett a boltok forgalma És az üzemanyagtöltő állomások forgalmának volumene 25,9 százalékkal elmaradt az előző év azonos havitól.
The post Jócskán visszaesett a boltok forgalma first appeared on 24.hu. https://24.hu/belfold/2023/07/06/ksh-kiskereskedelmi-forgalom-majus/ #kiskereskedelem #ksh
@kkarhan @benjamineskola @chimera_linux Bash really is the new #ksh, isn’t it.
Episódio 142 – Dossiê Unix – Parte B
#Podcast #386BSD #A/UX #AIX #AlanCox #AlfredoKojima #Amiga #Android #Apple #AT&T #atarist #Be #BellLabs #BeOS #BSD #BSDi #CDE #Conectiva #COSE #DavidKorn #DEC #DennisRitchie #Desqview/X #dos #DOSEMU #dr-dos #Fuzix #GNU #HP/UX #IBM #IEEE #Intergraph #iOS #IPX #IRIX #ksh #LinusTorvalds #Linux #Lotus1-2-3 #Mach #Macintosh #MacOS #Motif #MPI #MUD #NeXT #NEXTSTEP #Novell #OpenLook #OSF #Pixar #POSIX
#posix #pixar #osf #openlook #novell #nextstep #next #mud #mpi #motif #macos #macintosh #mach #lotus1 #linux #linustorvalds #ksh #irix #ipx #ios #intergraph #ieee #ibm #hp #gnu #fuzix #dr #dosemu #dos #desqview #dennisritchie #dec #davidkorn #cose #conectiva #cde #bsdi #bsd #BeOS #belllabs #be #atarist #at #apple #android #amiga #alfredokojima #alancox #aix #a #386bsd #podcast
Episódio 142 – Parte A
#Podcast #386BSD #A/UX #AIX #AlanCox #AlfredoKojima #Amiga #Android #Apple #AT&T #atarist #Be #BellLabs #BeOS #BSD #BSDi #CDE #Conectiva #COSE #DavidKorn #DEC #DennisRitchie #Desqview/X #dos #DOSEMU #dr-dos #Fuzix #GNU #HP/UX #IBM #IEEE #Intergraph #iOS #IPX #IRIX #ksh #LinusTorvalds #Linux #Lotus1-2-3 #Mach #Macintosh #MacOS #Motif #MPI #MUD #NeXT #NEXTSTEP #Novell #OpenLook #OSF #Pixar #POSIX #PVM #SCO #SGI
#sgi #sco #pvm #posix #pixar #osf #openlook #novell #nextstep #next #mud #mpi #motif #macos #macintosh #mach #lotus1 #linux #linustorvalds #ksh #irix #ipx #ios #intergraph #ieee #ibm #hp #gnu #fuzix #dr #dosemu #dos #desqview #dennisritchie #dec #davidkorn #cose #conectiva #cde #bsdi #bsd #BeOS #belllabs #be #atarist #at #apple #android #amiga #alfredokojima #alancox #aix #a #386bsd #podcast
Fresh New Blog: Incredible method acquiring the client ip addr connecting to oracle database - https://quanwenzhao.wordpress.com/2023/05/06/incredible-method-acquiring-the-client-ip-addr-connecting-to-oracle-database/ @oracledatabase #sh #ksh #sql #session_ip
The other day I had an idea for an project for OpenBSD and wondered which version of the korn shell #ksh was installed. I stumbled on the ksh wikipedia page and saw a note that from ksh93t you can also do OOO programming in it. It's not the version included in the OpenBSD base system, but still very interesting. Here, OOP with the ksh https://blog.fpmurphy.com/2010/05/ksh93-using-types-to-create-object-orientated-scripts.html #ksh #shell #scripting #oop
Formatting history command using \t instead of space as separator #commandline #bash #zsh #ksh
Formatting history command using \t instead of space as separator #commandline #bash #zsh #fish #ksh
#commandline #bash #zsh #fish #ksh
We call it jokingly Dr. Google.
But seriously, why can't some people do an online search and learn some basic stuff they need for their work instead of sending lots of emails and making a fuss, getting managers involved, making a mountain out of a molehill, and all this because they do not know BASIC Unix commands they need to do their job properly.
#unix #linux #ksh #incorrigible #lazy #openYourBrowserAndRunASearch
#unix #linux #ksh #incorrigible #lazy #openyourbrowserandrunasearch
dash is supposed to have a more strict posix (/bin/sh) mode than bash or ksh.
Why not try #ksh instead? It's more "compatible" with the broader unix world, and you don't lose too much from bash.
Consider it a challenge. ;)
Just don't forget "set -o vi" ;) (Not that you would!)