RT @npariente
Kevin Foster talks about ecological rules for the assembly of microbiome communities, including their @PLOSBiology paper below, and how we can harness this knowledge to design antimicrobial approaches (eg promote colonization resistance) https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001116
Kevin Foster talks about ecological rules for the assembly of microbiome communities, including their @PLOSBiology paper below, and how we can harness this knowledge to design antimicrobial approaches (eg promote colonization resistance) https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001116
Oh my.... thankfully I was paying attention to a very interesting talk on fungal effects on diet-induced obesity rather than looking at this debacle. It seems my time was better spent
RT @npariente
Penalties during the last short talk of the session?? You gotta be kidding me...😬
#KSHumanMicro22 https://twitter.com/npariente/status/1600179183241822208
Penalties during the last short talk of the session?? You gotta be kidding me...😬
RT @npariente
Not so easy to try to follow how #LaRoja is doing while listening to awesome talks this morning at #KSHumanMicro22
Not so easy to try to follow how #LaRoja is doing while listening to awesome talks this morning at #KSHumanMicro22
RT @npariente
This morning we are hearing about understanding the microbiome to improve human health
@lab_maier mentioned this classic @PLOSBiology paper showing the collateral effects of #antibiotics on the gut microbiome
RT @SvetlanaCanada
Controlling the #Microbiome for Health session at @KeystoneSymp. Note that @lab_maier is looking for a #postdoc #sciencejob #postdocjobs. It's in Germany 🇩🇪
#kshumanmicro22 #postdocjobs #sciencejob #postdoc #microbiome
This morning we are hearing about understanding the microbiome to improve human health
@lab_maier mentioned this classic @PLOSBiology paper showing the collateral effects of #antibiotics on the gut microbiome
RT @npariente
In the afternoon session @nanditagarud discusses comparative population genetics in the human gut microbiome. This @PLOSBiology paper is one she referred to "Evolutionary dynamics of bacteria in the gut microbiome within and across hosts"
In the afternoon session @nanditagarud discusses comparative population genetics in the human gut microbiome. This @PLOSBiology paper is one she referred to "Evolutionary dynamics of bacteria in the gut microbiome within and across hosts"
RT @PLOSBiology
We're at #KSHumanMicro22 #KSMicroResistance22 in snowy Banff
Look for our EiC @npariente for a chat!
#ksmicroresistance22 #kshumanmicro22
We're at #KSHumanMicro22 #KSMicroResistance22 in snowy Banff
Look for our EiC @npariente for a chat!
#ksmicroresistance22 #kshumanmicro22
.@blekhman ends his talk by saying that he recently moved to
@UChicago and is recruiting!
Speaking of the heritability of the gut microbiome in a >14 year longitudinal dataset in baboons (>500 individuals; >16k samples) @blekhman shows that you can make art with visualizations of 16S rRNA seq data (too bad I wasn't quick enough to get a photo!)
now over to the Co-Evolution and Co-Diversification of Microbiota and their Hosts - this is a great joint conference and there'll be a lot of jumping around going on
1st @andrewhmoeller tells us that there is a microbial extinction going on in our gut microbiome #KSHumanMicro22