Going by the current pace, the game will be playable in 2 years, have parity with #KSP1 in 5 years and will be what was promised in 10 years. (tot) #KerbalSpaceProgram #KSP2
#ksp1 #kerbalspaceprogram #ksp2
I do hope they incorporate a more indepth rocket building tutorial, and progressive advancement suggestions.
I.e. here's advice on building a orbital rocket at this stage, here's advice on building a mun orbital mission, here's advice for building a man lander, etc.
It'd be very useful for new players, and experienced players could turn it off.
In playing #ksp1 career mode I always struggle to build a rocket to the man as my delta-v / fuel requirements just keep getting way to big.
@v I think this means you basically can’t leave satellites in orbit without burning fuel, because apparently you can’t trust the gravity and physics models to maintain a stable orbit. 🤔 I want this game to succeed; I love #KSP1 but so far I think it needs some serious work based on mixed reviews. (Probably gonna buy it anyway though if I’m honest with myself because #space)